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2004 Prosperity Meditation of the Year - Tshirt and CD

Hide details for MarchMarch
Overcome the Hurdles

Siri Singh Sahib (Yogi Bhajan)
Yogi Bhajan Quotes

Siri Singh Sahib (Yogi Bhajan)
Prosperity Technology - Jap Man Satinaam

Changes In Prosperity Paths - Letter From the Editor

Darshan K Khalsa
Special Message from Yogi Bhajan

Siri Singh Sahib (Yogi Bhajan)
Rise Above the Hurdles

Darshan K Khalsa
Prosperity Technology - 2004 Prosperity Meditation of the Year!! (with photo)

Siri Singh Sahib (Yogi Bhajan)
Kundalini Yoga "Developing the Power to Win" (with pictures)

As taught by Yogi Bhajan
2004 Events Calendar

Japji Course PDF

2004 White Tantric Yoga Schedule


Arjan K Khalsa
Hide details for MayMay
Oneness with God, Siri Singh Sahib Gurdwara Lecture

Siri Singh Sahib (Yogi Bhajan)
Yogi Bhajan Quotes

Siri Singh Sahib (Yogi Bhajan)
Hemkunt Sahib - The Himalayan Trek into Bliss

Khalsa Youth Camp

Amazing Testimonial - Prosperity Technology

I've Come Home to Stop Yearning - Prosperity Technology

Darshan K Khalsa
Prosperity Technology - Meditation to Bring Prosperity (with pictures)

Kundalini Yoga - Experiencing the Original You (with pictures)

Siri Singh Sahib (Yogi Bhajan)
Japji Course

Going Home - The Divine Journey

Dr. Kartar Singh Khalsa
2004 Summer Events

Hide details for NovemberNovember
One Man, One Light, A Lifetime of Giving


Yogi Bhajan's life of service

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Prosperity Paths
Please write or call Prosperity Paths Dasvandh Office
PO Box 249
Santa Cruz, NM. USA 87567
Phone - (505) 747-0388
Fax - (505) 753-5973

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