You Are Very Special
You Are Very Special
Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan

In life there comes challenge, confrontation and calamity. These three together come to a person face to face. If you are diplomatic, compassionate and impersonal at that time, then you can walk through these three just like a swift wind.

Sometimes in life it is also required to diplomatically watch the obnoxiousness of another person. You must find the root cause as to why someone is challenging you and you must find the atmosphere between heaven and earth. Where there is a calamity a good prayer will give you neutral existence. All great people have neutral existence, and then compassion brings them intuition and they can see through things. This intelligence combined with gratitude gives them the way to get out of the calamity.

Calamity is like a storm. You have to face calamity on every optimum point, and be ready for the next rise and this way you can leave on this earth a legacy.

There are five and a half billion people on this earth and only 0.1% will leave a legacy. You are very special. Your legacy, books will not carry, but your legacy will be carried in the hearts of those whose lives you build by giving them the strength to face their own tomorrow unto victory. Let them believe that the purity within them is that of God and their victory is God. Let them have real pride. You have to clean them of the baggage which they have brought because of the ill will of the climates through which they have come to see you.

God and Guru have bestowed on you this priceless everlasting opportunity to serve with no weakness. You are yourself first, in the middle and in the end. That is how you should be known at the point you close your eyes.
The teacher knows why he gave the job.
The job knows why the student has to comply.
Deliverance and compliance know the legacy.
The legacy is your internal victory.
From Prosperity Paths Issue: October, 1998
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