Sobagh Kriya
Sobagh Kriya
SS Tej Kaur Khalsa

Los Angeles, California, USA

Sobagh Kriya is a very sacred kriya - it is the only kriya given by Rishi Sobagh, in the Mahan Tantric Yog. The entire kriya was printed in Prosperity Paths #17.

As stated by the Siri Singh Sahib, "All five parts form a complete kriya. Practice every part for an equal amount of time--either 3 minute each, or 11 minutes each. But do not exceed 11 minutes. I advise you to move very cautiously and slowly. Affectionately practice it. It is very powerful, and can effect you so much that it can space you out if you are not careful.

‘Sobagh’ means good luck and grace. If God has written with His own hands that you shall live under misfortune, and shall have a terrible bad luck, by doing Sobagh Kriya you can turn the luck into prosperity, fortune and good luck."

The first part of the kriya he called a ‘Money Making Machine’; only it can be done alone.

Posture: Sitting in easy pose, place hands face up in front of the chest, elbows bent down by the sides.
Movement: Alternate between a) and b). Move powerfully.
a) Strike the sides of the hands together with a force, powerfully pounding together the hands from the base of the pinkie finger down to the base of the palms, the ‘moon mounds.’
b) Strike the sides of the index fingers ‘Jupiter fingers’ together. Thumbs are relaxed.
Tape: Tantric ‘Har’ tape is played. Strike once for each ’Har.’
Eyes: Look at the tip of the nose.
Time: 3 minutes when you are in bad shape. Do it 11 minutes a day if you practice it on a daily basis, but don’t do more than 11 minutes a day.

Comments of the Siri Singh Sahib: "This will make you rich. It’ll straighten out your brain. Don’t do more than 3 minutes during the day when you are working. This movement stimulates the mind, the moon center and the Jupiter. When Jupiter and moon come together, there is no way in the world you will not make wealth. I’m not talking money. Money is a common word. Money is a media. Wealth. It'll come to you.

This meditation is a money making machine. What I am trying to tell you, what God tells you, that it is all in you. It's not outside of you. You just need to stimulate certain parts. It's going to work."
From Prosperity Paths Issue: September, 1996
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