Everything Moves On
The clouds of war are hanging on us. The entire economy of the country is at a standstill, and people are in disarray, physically, mentally, and spiritually. Nobody knows what is going to happen tomorrow. But people who practice calmness and quietness, who have meditative minds, know that what is happening is not what many think. Time has brought the Earth to all this, and sometimes things do happen which are required to happen. We are not permanent here. Nothing around us is permanent. Everything moves on. This is the spirit of the universe. As the Aquarian Age has to come, the Piscean Age has to leave. And so, the people who are Pisceans shall eliminate themselves in many ways.

Kuaar hoay sabh milangay, bachay sharan jo hoay.

They shall take the true shelter of God in their hearts and on their lips. They see the spirit in everybody. There’s no reason to worry. Things are many faceted and happen as God wants them to manifest. If all the wishes of mankind would come true there would be no life to live, nor rebirth. When our consciousness elevates us into sensory human beings, then we will see the reality, feel the reality, and flow with the reality rather than with maya.

Therefore, my request to you is, do not let your calmness go. Do not let your peace of mind go. Be with the Guru through this time. Your spirit shall be content, and out of that contentment you’ll find yourself with a lot of richness. It is very essential at this time. Majority of the world is living in a terrible fear. Nobody knows what is happening. There’s too much information available to process. That is not the way. Just feel, within yourself, content and satisfied, peaceful and unique.

You are walking on the path of the Guru, where you must glow in that radiance and that truth so that others may recognize you are people of peace. And that’s the way we are. If life is that short or long or small, it has a reason for purpose, and you will do your purposeful living on this planet. That’s why you are here. You have the right to prosperity and proportionate happiness within yourselves and with each other. I pray, and pray deeply, that nothing should upset you. The Guru has designed your setup to guide you. Rejoice! Rejoice! Rejoice!

Wahe Guru Ji ka Khalsa, Wahe Guru Ji ki Fateh!

Gurdwara Lecture, March 16, 2003 © Yogi Bhajan

From Prosperity Paths Issue: May, 2003
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