The Pathway From Guadalajara to Brazil
The Pathway from Guadalajara to Brazil
SS Gian Kaur Khalsa

Guadalajara, Mexico

After having lived for 3 years in Europe, my husband and I, both Brazilian, were blessed with the task of expanding the teachings in Mexico. It turned out that Guadalajara was our final destination.

For many years we had between eight and ten students. People were very conservative, with many weird ideas about yoga. We had few friends and our only inspiration was the soft voice of the Siri Singh Sahib penetrating our hearts saying "Keep up! Keep up!" Gradually people began to get to know us and open up. Through our businesses, which are health food stores, we had the chance to contact more people.

The Siri Singh Sahib started teaching White Tantric courses in Mexico and later meditation courses at the International Book Fair in Guadalajara. Everything began to expand and develop. People came with total devotion in the hope of hearing his words of comfort, unburdening them from much suffering and pain. His visits were and are the most inspiring and beautiful events to experience and we keep on happily and steadily organizing them.

The same process was also happening in Mexico City, which is 200 miles away from Guadalajara. To facilitate the expansion and dissemination of the teachings, fifteen of us formed a board equivalent to 3HO called ‘Fundacion Cultural Kundalini.’ This group also undertook creating teachers. This was a very important process, because we learned to work as a team in spite of many clashes. We kept the goal, the vision, and the mission clear. Fight we did, but we never missed a meeting and our goals were getting clearer and stronger. We were amazed to realize how much we could achieve as a group: publishing books, creating a streamlined, successful system for organizing White Tantric courses, besides Ladies’ and Children’s Camps, and a very successful Teacher Training Program. In four years we drew more than 200 new teachers. We felt that the key to expansion was "God is in all of us. Everyone has the potential to teach and so wake up the teacher in everyone."

The economic crisis in Mexico provided a challenge. Many people understood they could not survive without a spiritual discipline, and the result is that in our recent courses, there has been no room even for a fly on the wall!

At our last Tantric course in Guadalajara, MSS S Guru Amrit Kaur Khalsa, the tantric facilitator, said she would also teaching in other countries in South America. Presently I am traveling and teaching in five cities in Brazil on a regular bases as are other teachers spreading the teachings in South America, So distances and boundaries do not exist for us now.

Gone is the concept of our territory, our little colonial Brazilian city with its many beaches and white sand. Instead we are privileged to be participating in this Age of Aquarius, one of expansion, spiritual growth, prosperity, and happiness.
From Prosperity Paths Issue: March, 1996
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