Questions About Tithing and Dasvandh
Questions About Tithing and Dasvandh
Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bahajan

Our answers to questions on tithing are intended to be helps and suggestions rather than hard and fast rules. It is not practical to advise people about what they should do in specific cases. Tithers must depend finally on the leading of their own in-dwelling Spirit. If you take each question to Guru, fully open in your heart to follow Guru’s leading, you will receive direction.

It is not wise to insist that others tithe. We may explain the advantages and the principle underlying the tithe, and leave people free to act upon your own inner guidance. We must be fully persuaded in our own hearts and minds about what we should do, and then give freely, not grudgingly or of necessity.

Let’s consider some questions we have been asked recently about tithing:

"Should I tithe while I owe a great deal of money, or should I wait until all my debts are paid and then tithe?" Our debt is to Guru first. Tithing establishes an order that will not permit us to remain in debt for long.

"I feel I should tithe, but my expenses are so heavy that I can hardly live on my present income. Should I tithe now or wait until I am earning more money?" If you feel led to tithe, then do it. Those who wait until they are earning more, seldom begin. Waiting until you can afford to tithe is like trying to find time for God. If one has an urge to tithe, then it is time to begin. The right way to begin to tithe is to decide definitely to do it and then begin.

"We earn a great deal of money, but not enough to live as we wish and also pay our debts. Should we tithe and economize in order to pay our debts, or go on trusting Guru to straighten out our affairs?" The ideal is to live within our means, and cease contracting debts, living outside ourselves or beyond our income. We should honor Guru with our tithe and commit ourselves to paying all we can toward our obligations. We have no just reason to expect Guru to straighten out our affairs unless we are honest and work with Him.

"My husband has failed in business, and is ill. We have no income, are deeply in debt, and living on borrowed money. Should we tithe?" To tithe borrowed money would be a misappropriation of funds. Use the borrowed money for the purpose for which it is borrowed. Tithe whatever you receive as your own money or gifts. Where there is active faith and trust in Guru, there will be abundance will flow.

"My mother is a widow and has a small income. I use my tithe to help support her. I have given to others in need. I do not see why I should not use it for my mother. Am I using my tithe in the right way?" When you are using the tithe properly, there is no question in your mind. Tithe for spiritual work, for the furtherance of the unknown. The tithe is not normally used for self, relatives, friends Certainly duty to a mother precedes duty towards others, but it does not come before duty to the unknown. Do not limit your mother’s channels of good, but affirm that all doors are open to her.

"The man with a salary has no problem in knowing that his tithe is the tenth of his whole income, but how about the man in business who consumes quite a large amount of material in the production of an article? Should the tithe be paid on gross receipts or on net profits after the costs of operation have been deducted?" A business person’s tithe can be one-tenth of the salary drawn.

A business, as an entity, may tithe based on net profits. There are many businesses who develop an even greater faith and tithe on gross receipts. One woman, who runs a small business, tithes on everything she takes in before meeting any expenses. She says that she has prospered abundantly. Begin where you are, and act upon your inner faith.

"I would like to tithe, but my husband does not approve, and I have no income apart from his." As for people who have no direct income of their own, they can give of what they have and of whatever money that comes to them to use as they choose. Do not try to tithe from your husband’s income if he is unwilling. Always be true to the inner tithe, and the outer tithe will come in time.
From Prosperity Paths Issue: December, 1996
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