Aquarian Times Magazine
The latest issue of Aquarian Times focuses on the concepts of death and deathlessness. What if death, instead of being something you fear, becomes the very thing that energizes your entire life, enabling you to live more fully and joyously than ever? In this issue we explore the myths surrounding the death process, examine the paradox that “death is life,” and experience heart touching personal stories. You’ll also find practical advice on conscious estate planning.

Featured in this issue are an interview with Joan Halifax, founder of the Upaya Zen Center and teacher of the compassionate care of the dying; articles by other experts in the field of death and dying—Judith Lasater, Stephen and Ondrea Levine, Shanti Shanti Kaur Khalsa; and a compelling story of a woman facing death herself. Also Clif Bar CEO, Gary Erickson, shares his views on socially responsible business and the tough choices he had to make to maintain his company and integrity.

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P.O. Box 385
Santa Cruz, NM 87567
From Prosperity Paths Issue: November, 2003
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