Sat Nam Prosperity Paths
Sat Nam Prosperity Paths,

Sometimes you print letters. Here's one for you! If space permits, I would love to share my experience from Winter Solstice.

"If you can't see God in all, you can't see God at all." And I couldn't. Although I went about living and relating to people as best as I knew how, I always felt shy and insecure around everyone. From childhood trauma, or perhaps even from a past lifetime, fear had built a rigid wall around my heart. My excessive fear often manifested as judgementalism, so that I could not see God in another person, since I was too busy seeing their faults. In the early days, whenever he saw me, the Siri Singh Sahib Ji would say, "I see Miss Fear is here."

My fears were eradicated by Guru's Grace, in the Tantric lines at Winter Solstice. In the meditation, I really "saw" the rigid wall and its repercussions. As a result, it melted away, and compassion took its place. Now I do see God in all. I don't know how many lifetimes I've prayed for this to happen. Tantric showed me how to surrender myself, and provided enough support to enable me to do it. This is how I always wanted to feel, how I always wanted to be. Thanks to the power of White Tantric Yoga, sadhana, and sangat, I walked away from Winter Solstice at Lake Wales with an open heart -- no fear, no reservations, no judgments, no depression, no scorn -- for the first time in my life.

As I write this, it's not even a week since I left Solstice, but I feel a reassurance from deep inside that this state will remain with me and my heart will never close up so tightly again. My humble and heartfelt thanks to everyone and everything that touched my life at Winter Solstice, especially Siri Singh Sahib Ji!

Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa, Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh!

S.S. Gurudarshan Kaur Khalsa
San Francisco Bay Area
From Prosperity Paths Issue: February, 1999
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