Summer Solstice Testimonials
Summer Solstice ‘97 Testimonials
From the Virginia Area Community

"We’ve been doing the same things for years, and it’s so fantastic. It really gives our kids an anchor and feeling of family within the Dharma. It leaves an imprint on their consciousness of the power of the sangat and the purity of the teachings - the impact of higher consciousness in general."
Mata Mandir Kaur Khalsa

"The most wondrous thing to me about Solstice is how it totally takes you out of your usual environment and affects you on so many levels at the same time. The environment, the food, the camaraderie, sadhana, seva, group meditations, learning from many new friends and teachers, and of course 3 days of White Tantric Yoga. I have never met anyone who has been to Solstice who didn’t want to go back."
Jim Weidenhamer

"I was thinking what an amazing value this is for your money. There are so many people serving so perfectly."
Smiling Kaur Khalsa

"In addition to the wonderful experience of White Tantric Yoga, the most lasting impressions of Summer Solstice have come to me within the first few hours of arriving at the campsite. Last year I experienced an overwhelming wave of happiness and contentment and felt that there was no other place I would rather be at that time. This year, after setting up my tent and walking through the campsite, I felt an incredible sense of belonging and peace, but also some sadness, knowing that the intensity of these feelings diminishes once Solstice is over." Julie Staples, Ph.D.

"Just being around all the positive energy was good. When you are around over 1,000 positive people, it’s hard to get in a bad mood yourself."
Akal Sahai Singh Khalsa

See you at Winter Solstice ‘97 & Summer Solstice ‘98! For more information call the Events Hotline today!
1 (888) 3HO-2420
From Prosperity Paths Issue: August, 1997
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