An Attitude of Deathlessness
An Attitude of Deathlessness
Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan

When prosperity comes, happiness comes. When prosperity comes, happiness is the root source of anxiety and adversity. In adversity comes confrontation. In confrontation you have to meditate, whether you like it or not.

There comes a day of test, of confrontation, where you stand alone to test your own meditation and your own freak outs. Nobody is going to meditate for you, and nobody’s going to freak out for you. A person is intuitively authoritative and one with God.

When adversity comes, we automatically meditate. We cannot survive through adversity without meditation. Meditation is a process through which we take our total self, pride, ego and spirit, and we put it on the line. Meditation is not closing our eyes. Birds close their eyes, but do they meditate? That’s not meditation.

Meditation is the power in the individual to take you through all adversities. Nobody freaks out when they are struggling, because the struggle itself is very unifying. Challenge doesn’t come to small people. Challenge comes to great people. There are those who are put on the fire of that funeral pyre, and they burn to ashes. Out of the ashes their soul lives; the phoenix of their soul rises out of the ashes. They are Amar, deathless.
Their words stand.

Jao tao prem khelan kaa chaao sir dhar talee galee meree aao. Et maarag pair dhareejai. Sir deejai kaan na keejai.
Guru Nanak

"If you want to play the game of love with me, and walk in my street of love, put your head on the palm of your hand, and walk into my street. If you cannot offer the head, you have no need to come in."

Think of love. Love is an continuous japa (repetition of the Name of God). Always in my memory love lives, at the human level and at the animal level. You are great lovers in America. You have all the sensuality and sexuality and all that you write millions of books and movies about. Do you know what love is? Love is consistent memory. With each breath it comes, it lives, it excels in you. Body is the shell experience. Mind is the perpetual experience. Soul is the real experience. Deal with everything in your life with the attitude of deathlessness.

I say to you today that so long as one real Sikh will live, sacrifice shall continue because you will never tolerate injustice. It is not in your genes. You will always conquer death. You will always become deathless. There is a long history of the deathlessness; there is a long history where man becomes God. As long as man fears death, man is an animal. Only man has the faculty of the meditative mind to conquer death, and to become deathless.

I have done it all. I have done it successfully, perfectly. I know all these gimmicks, and I also know the five tattwas and how to play with them. I have gone through all that. It did not work. What you are going after, what you are seeking, shall not work. What will work? When you will become nothing, you shall see everything, you shall feel everything, you shall know everything, you shall command everything. It was mopping the floors of Harimander Sahib, the Golden Temple, that gave me what I have got.

Knowledge cannot be achieved from outside. It is always within you. Happiness cannot be achieved from outside. It is always within you. Purity and piety cannot be achieved. They are always within you. Deathlessness - go out today with one message in your heart.

You don’t have to do anything. Just feel the light within you. Feel the deathlessness within you, and feel it deeply. If nobody has awakened you, that is your privilege. If somebody has awakened you, somebody has challenged you, that is also your supreme privilege. Face the challenge. It is the enemy which gives you strength. Friends don’t; friends are with you. If you don’t understand that life is there to challenge you with every breath of life, you do not understand living. If you do not challenge your life, somebody else will challenge it.

I don’t want to tell you what to do and what not to do. I just want to tell you that thought is the most powerful thing in the world. There is nothing more powerful than thought. Everything starts from thought. Just create one of your own thoughts, "I am deathless. I will see things deathlessly." Then you will become deathless.

Make your own profile. Spend only half an hour on yourself. Make your own deathlessness profile and see what it can do for you. See how much experience of your self you can gain out of this. All happiness in life you lose because of the fear of death. Fear numbs you. Anger aggravates you. Attachment squeezes you to death. If you have found the reality of your self, you have found totality. If you have found reality, you still have to serve totality.

The destiny of deathlessness has to be inherited by deathlessness. Death shall never inherit it. Death will never come to purity. Defeat will never come to purity. Poverty will never touch purity. You are those who have to inherit deathlessness, so prepare your mind, yourself, and your being to meet it halfway. Whether you are a Sikh or not, when the word of Truth comes, you will respect it, because these individuals have become deathless. They have gone beyond. They have no death.
From Prosperity Paths Issue: April, 1998
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