Prosperity Pals Program STEP TWO
Addressing the Messaging
STEP TWO: Addressing the Messaging

Now that the groundwork is in place, the next important step is to work on what messages you are sending out to yourself. Deep in our subconscious minds there is the need to respond appropriately to those messages. If you are saying outwardly “I am beautiful, I am bountiful, I am blissful,” but internally you are fretting because you are convinced you are not bountiful, your subconscious mind will adhere to the internal messages first. This makes the process take alot longer, and you can change that. So let’s move on to STEP TWO: Addressing the Messaging

The technology the Siri Singh Sahib (Yogi Bhajan) has taught to change negative thought and belief patterns into positive ones is a simple, effective and incredibly powerful tool.
Set aside some time with your Prosperity Pal for a meeting on beliefs. Really brainstorm on some of the negative thought patterns and beliefs you may have “behind the scenes.” On a sheet of paper, create two columns and write the negative beliefs down in the left column. In the right column, write a corresponding positive belief.

Here is a useful three-step process to identify old beliefs (shared by Dr. Shanti Shanti K Khalsa, of the GRD Center for Medicine and Humanology).
Once you have determined the positive beliefs, set aside time every single day for 40 days, and use the following technology. This technology helps in the process of loosening and weakening the old beliefs and strengthening the new, positive beliefs.

For each positive belief:
The more often you do this exercise, the more beneficial it will be. Make time once, twice or three times a day to practice it.

What we accomplished with

Prosperity Pals: You have formed a Prosperity Pals team.
Prosperity Meditation: You have chosen a prosperity meditation, and you and your Prosperity Pal have begun to do it everyday.
Prosperity Technology: You have agreed on a tithe and you are both giving.

We'd like to help
If you find you have no one to team up with, we would be happy to help you buddy up. Send us an email: [email protected]. (Please include "PPP" in the subject line).
LET US KNOW HOW YOU'RE DOING! [email protected]
From Prosperity Paths Issue: May, 2003
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