The Wisdom Of Giving Yourself
The Wisdom of Giving Yourself
William Arthur Ward

Giving is the universal virtue, and wise men of all creeds and nationalities recognize the wisdom of giving. "They who give have all things," states the Hindu Proverb, "they who withhold have nothing." A Dutch proverb expresses it this way: "The generous man enriches himself by giving; the miser hoards himself poor."

Some give generously who give of their possessions. Others give substantially who share their talents. Still others give significantly who give of their knowledge, wisdom, counsel, and insight.

He gives most who gives of himself... unselfishly, unreservedly, creatively, empathetically. You can give yourself to your fellow person in a variety of helpful ways and on many different occasions. There is a time merely to listen to another’s problems. There is another time to simply give of your presence. Often the greatest gift you can bestow on your friend is the assurance of your availability. Remember the words of Albert Schweitzer: "You must give some time to your fellow man. Even if it is a little thing, do something for those who have need of help, something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it."

You are wise to rise to the challenge of Longfellow: "Give what you have. To someone, it may be better than you dare to think." And you are wise to give while the need is greatest, without undue waiting. Ponder the truth found in the Italian proverb: "A gift long expected is sold, not given."

Give yourself to your calling. Give yourself to your faith, to your Creator, to the service of a cause that is larger than yourself. Give yourself to a need that commands your highest loyalty, your deepest devotion, and your greatest sacrifice.
From Prosperity Paths Issue: September, 1995
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