Directory of Avenues of Participation
Directory of Avenues of Participation

Develops the areas of PR & Public Affairs which are focused on establishing and promoting Yogi Bhajan as an Internationally recognized leader, Master, and teacher
Provides support for the Siri Singh Sahib’s work in establishing International Sikh Panth unity
Organizes teaching and tour schedules
Facilitates all counseling appointments
Facilitates communications, including spiritual name requests
You can participate by:
* Volunteering to be a part of a skilled networking and referral system designed to serve the sangat
* Attending and speaking at conferences
* Establishing media contacts and coverage
* Visiting the Home Page

ARCHIVES (505)753-5881
Database of the Teachings of Yogi Bhajan. Yogi Bhajan has taught an average of 261 times a year since 1969!
The status of the database of these lectures is:
7063 lectures exist in either hard copy, audio or video and of these:
9 are transcribed, verified, on computer, and the meditation is written up
115 are transcribed, verified, on computer (may or may not need a meditation write up)
990 are transcribed, not verified, on computer
1108 are transcribed, not verified, not on computer
4841 are not transcribed, not verified, not on computer
You can participate by:
* Donating electronic equipment
* Ordering an Archives print of an original painting
* Giving to Dasvandh and Gurudakshina
* Volunteering to transcribe lectures on a regular basis

Over one hundred centers in nineteen countries on six continents. Ashram communities consist of students and teachers, individuals, and families who wish to live and share the technologies and practices of the Sikh Dharma / 3HO way of life in an environment of consciousness and purity
You can participate by:
Continuing to serve and develop your local community’s:
* Administrative Council
* Khalsa Spirit
* Teaching Centers
* Outreach and unity with the larger Indian Sikh community

Prosperity Paths started by producing and mailing 450 Prosperity Paths exactly three years ago. In January 1996, we did a test market and started mailing to 350 3HO KY teachers who are not Khalsas. Since that time Dasvandh had an impressive increase as a result of this test market. We could expand to 6,000 as test markets warrant.

Soon you will be able to find
Prosperity Paths on the Internet, therefore, saving mailing and printing costs for all of those who who can access it through that medium.

Sikhnet is on the internet! This Home page was accessed 3,225 times in a little over a month. As the leadership of Sikh Dharma we hope you join us - Interact and get to know the global constituency; join the Chat Line, the Discussion Groups, play with the fun stuff like Tantric Numerology, and browse through all of the Sikh Dharma data. In the works is

You can participate by:
* Submitting articles / copy for Prosperity Paths Newsletter and Sikhnet

* Telling us what you would like to see in Prosperity Paths Newsletter and Sikhnet
* Developing your local mailing list database and segment via the market (Khalsa, 3HO, Indian, VIP, children)
* Letting us know if you can receive Prosperity Paths electronically on
* Signing up in the Sikhnet address book
* Placing your wares in the Sikhnet Bazaar
* Joining in the Sikhnet discussion groups and sharing Khalsa consciousness with brothers and sisters from around the world

DASVANDH (505)753-5881
"Dasvandh is your gratitude; your act of giving. It is the vacuum through which your prosperity flows."

Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan

Dasvandh is the primary vehicle which supports all Dharmic programs and services.
* The goal for 1996 is to increase annual donations by 18% over 1995
* Twenty one 3HO Kundalini Yoga Teachers become new donors to Dasvandh this year
* To expand the donor base to include the 3HO Community via outreach in Prosperity Paths and to

increase its 1996 donor participation by 10% over 1995
* Continue to develop a sensitivity to donor needs and addressing those concerns in a timely fashion
* To run a year-end fund raising campaigns via direct mail and phone-a-thon
* The goal is to generate increased participation in Dasvandh to 100%
You can participate in Dasvandh by:
* Educating yourself, family and local constituency on the principals of prosperity
* Consistently tithing to Dasvandh via electronic funds transfer or a monthly check
* Promoting the experience and power of Dasvandh technology to your community

FUND DEVELOPMENT (505)753-5881

* A nonprofit, publicly supported foundation which exists to raise philanthropic funds for Sikh Dharma,

3HO Foundation, Kundalini Research Institute, Siri Singh Sahib Corp, and Sikh Dharma Education
* Primary purpose is to educate and inspire others towards philanthropic action and programs
* The key focus is to design and implement retirement, estate, and bequest technologies that support

philanthropic actions and programs
You can participate by:
* Educating yourself, family, and community on the principals of philanthropy
* Educating yourself on all of the Fund Development technology
* Educating your constituency on the necessity of estate planning
* Enrolling yourself in a retirement plan
* Writing or revising your will or living trust
* Taking advantage of the tax saving technologies that Amar Inc and Sikh Dharma are providing
Living Trust
Estate Planning
Guru Amar Das Retirement Plan

EVENTS (505)753-6341
Marketing Research determines the direction for change

Winter Solstice '96 is in Lake Wales, Florida
Surveys conducted showed overwhelming interest in a warmer climate; Puerto Rico and Mexico being considered
Input on dates for Solstice show interest in week between 12/25 and 1/1

Attendance increased by 15% including 150 first time campers. Solstice '97 team creating profit centers within event to go back into event
Solstice '97 team working to upgrade and expand facilities and program
Preparing for a 20% increase in attendance

Attendance increased by 5%
Siri Singh Sahib sanctioned a new cereal to be developed and sold by KIT with proceeds to go to Peace Prayer Day
Efforts are being made to arrange for Nosta Fateh Ali Khan and James Taylor to be our guest performers

Three week camp allowed for consistent attendance
Program focused on group activities, i.e., all camp Kundalini Yoga class. The spirit was high
Camp was run efficiently creating a financial success
A strong sales focus on evening lectures increased local participation by 50% over 1995
Focus for 1997 is extensive market research to expand sales into new populations for higher attendance

110 Participants
65 students, 45 Khalsas
In response to the participants eagerness to learn and their reverent attitude, the Siri Singh Sahib taught an additional class each day.
The Siri Singh Sahib was so excited by the course that it is being considered for presentation in other cities around the world.

Over 900 guests were graciously received, fed, entertained, and inspired by the Siri Singh Sahib's presence and address
Generous donations from students from all over the world
New expanded location at Ashram property

You can participate in the Events by:
* Promoting the spirit, experience, and dates of the events to all students and contacts
* Encouraging each member of your sangat to attend and participate
* Sending us your ideas and suggestions on any aspect of our events
* Volunteering to be staff
* Sharing the Event’s brochures and Hot line number(505)753-4809 with everyone you know

International Conferences
Creates credibility and status for the 3HO Organization
You can participate by:
Becoming a member of your local United Nations Association; the number is (212)697-3232

Develops and promotes membership benefits which include referrals, teaching materials, and discounts on select yoga products, the
Annual Teacher’s Directory in hard copy and on the Internet, and the Teacher’s Newsletter Kundalini Rising!
Arranges the Annual Teachers Conference each June
Coordinates the development of standardized International Teacher Training Certification: Levels 1- 3
Coordinates Master’s Touch Courses
Grandfathered over 200 teachers who will receive KRI Teacher Certification
Promotes giving back to source of the teachings via Gurudakshina
You can participate by:
* Joining IKYTA
* Forming a Local Kundalini Yoga Teachers Association
* Teaching Kundalini Yoga

* Giving to Gurudakshina

KHALSA COUNCIL (505) 753-0562
Leadership Body of Sikh Dharma
Analyzes, finds solutions, and makes recommendations to the Siri Singh Sahib
Develops awareness, unity, synergy, cooperation, and working partnership of all members in the work of the Dharma
Builds Individual and Collective Consciousness
You can participate by:
* Supporting the work of the Khalsa Council
* Sharing information with the sangat

K.R.I. (505) 753-0562
Holds the Teachings of Yogi Bhajan through copyright and building the legacy of the Teachings of Yogi Bhajan
Reviews Yoga Teaching Products; presently 36 products are going through the KRI review process
Produces the ‘Master’s Touch’ book by Yogi Bhajan
Of the original 8 KRI yoga manuals, 7 have been reviewed and are in the beginning stage of upgrading
Awards the "KRI Seal of Approval”" which vouches for accuracy and integrity of products based on the teachings of Yogi Bhajan
Makes royalty agreements with authors and other product developers on behalf of Yogi Bhajan
Licenses KRI Teacher Training courses; which are then coordinated by IKYTA
Networks with authors and other product developers on an International level
Promotes KRI approved products

You can participate in KRI by:
* Continuing to create products
* Encouraging product developers to work with KRI
* Giving KRI ideas on what products you think would be in demand
* Purchasing products via Ancient Healing Ways Catalog

Sikh Dharma Education International
Going from nothing to establishing the beginnings of our new school in India
Building the new school in Amritsar, India
Developing an Internationally accredited program
Creating a scholarship program for all youth through the Amar Inc Foundation
Instituting student leadership models: a) honor code; b) a code of conduct; c) student council
Creating promotional materials
Setting up children / parent workshops
Khalsa Youth Camps
Developing and strengthen Khalsa character
Developing physical, mental, and spiritual qualities
Developing life long friendships
Creating fun, adventure, and challenge at Ram Das Puri
You can participate by:
* Ministering to our youth, making an unending commitment to working with them and for them
* Providing us with spiritually conscious stories / articles on children’s issues
* Forming a children’s jetha and starting a weekly celestial communications program in your community
* Being a guide at Khalsa Youth Camp

* Helping develop the numerous other OYA programs and projects as a resource person or staff

Fulfills the needs of Sikh Dharma by upholding the Rehit
Inspires the spirit of the Shabd Guru within the Sangat
Creates unity of the Khalsa Panth
Teaches the Rehit throughout the world
Publishes and produces material

Upholds the administrative requirements for the Ministry
Trains people in ministerial peer counseling
Inspires ownership of Ministry
Encourages direction and planning for Ministry
Assists the Bhai Sahiba’s Office in upholding the Rehit

MINISTRY (505) 753-5881
Spearheading the spirit of Sikh Dharma
Living and projecting the Khalsa way of life
Setting a direction for Sikh Dharma and sharing that direction with the sangat
Repositioning the role and identity of the Ministry
You personally can participate by:
* Sharing the technology of the Shabd Guru with the sangat and the public
* Aligning your experience as a minister based upon the values, beliefs, and practices of Sikh Dharma
* Performing ministerial duties within your community
* Establishing support systems for the sangat
* Providing training
* Ministerial peer counseling for the sangat
* Spreading Sikh Dharma in interfaith and community circles
* Networking resources

SSS CORPORATION (310) 552-3416
Protector of the hard assets - properties of Sikh Dharma
Buys, sells, and acquires assets
Develops, maintains, and repairs existing assets
Monitors rents
Provides tenant support
You can participate by:
* Upholding and increasing the assets in your community

WHITE TANTRIC YOGA (310) 552-3416
"The beauty of White Tantric Yoga is that it is subtle, it is exalting, and it works to give You the Mastery of Life."
Yogi Bhajan

Promoting the experience of White Tantric Yoga because it:
* Transforms a person from a yoga student to a spiritual journeyer
* Deepens spiritual understanding and commitment the 1st or the 50th time
* Offers yoga students the opportunity to get a sense of greater community
* Helps community grow in consciousness and in numbers
You can participate by:
* Teaching Kundalini Yoga
* Encouraging all students and constituency members to experience this transformational process
* Getting involved in the promotion and organization of the White Tantric Yoga Course
From Prosperity Paths Issue: December, 1996
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