From Our Readers
From Sue M Williams, CO
Dear Prosperity Paths,
Thank you for yur newsletter which contains the Prosperity Technology meditation set [Subagh Kriya]. It came at just the right time as I am working on obtaining the right job. Please place me in your prayers. Enclosed is a small token for use in your work. Thank you!

Dear Prosperity Paths,
..I got the job! My title is “Operations Team Manager”. My salary is real close to what I was making at my old job that was downsized. I also got offers for interviews from at least 3 other companies! Also, my job search situation has taught me to refine my goals to main priorities. Next goal is financial independence. I want to avoid being totally dependent on a company for my financial needs. Please say a prayer to assist me in reaching this goal. Finally, thank you for your prayers and support. I will send another monetary gift to help support your work very soon. It was wonderful to receive your newsletter just when I was feeling a bit down. Best Regards.

Golden Temple Enterprises
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Contributed by Ragubir Singh, CA
3am alarm ice cold shower
morning sadhana kundalini yoga
joint pain hunger breath of fire
preparing to die - feeling so alive

slipping back regressing
preoccupied with mere human thoughts
feeling a dullness of spirit
the I cries out for the Master’s Touch
From Prosperity Paths Issue: October, 2000
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