Have You Seen it?
The Dasvandh Year End Video Presentation
The Dasvandh Year End Video Presentation has been sent to you!
“I Am, I Am - Investing in Your State of Being”

We Invite you to watch it and be inspired!

In this day and age, anything can happen. Without any warning, any one incident or occurrence can change our lives profoundly. We have all experienced this in greater and lesser degrees in the past ten weeks, and have found ourselves searching to understand the events which have rendered so much change in our lives so quickly.

In these times it is our state of being which holds us up, which gives us strength to keep up, and which gives us courage to face a changed world. But life calls to us, even while the pain in our hearts is undiminished: children need to be cared for, jobs need to be done, friends and family need comfort, consolation, hugs, a listening ear. To respond to these needs we must take care of ourselves and strengthen our state of being.

It is our great blessing to present you with this video “I Am, I Am: Investing in Your State of Being.” If you have received this gift, you are one of the many people touched in some way by the teachings of Siri Singh Sahib (Yogi Bhajan). Whether we have shared in these teachings once or many times, through Peace Prayer Day, Sikh Dharma, Kundalini Yoga, or our yogic products, it is about consciousness and awareness, and we all have the responsibility and the blessing to uplift and serve humanity, meeting today’s challenges together.

For many years we have been here to serve you. Dasvandh supports the teachings on yogic technology, meditation, the Sikh faith, keeping up, the self-sensory system, prosperity consciousness, and many other principles of conscious awareness while we are preparing to enter the Aquarian Age - tools we need to strengthen, fortify, and nurture our state of being in today’s world.

Please give to Dasvandh today. Thank you.
From Prosperity Paths Issue: Dec, 2001
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