Looking for Dharmic Children's Materials
Looking for Dharmic Children's Materials
S.S. Kirn Kaur Khalsa

Office of Youth Affairs
Espanola, New Mexico

The time is upon us to make a united effort to bring the vision alive of raising children with values beyond the consumer and drug generation, exemplified so strongly in the West today. Khalsa values have stood the test of time. It is our responsibility to infuse our young children with the Khalsa spirit through stories. games and especially, our own example of ‘Sukh Anand’ (peaceful bliss).

One of our goals is to develop resource materials for conscious childraising and centralize this information in our office in Espanola, in order to support the dissemination and education of Khalsa values.

Materials could include the following:
* Dharmic stories, tapes and books
* Gurumukhi tapes & games for children
* Tapes & games introducing kirtan & banis to children
* Age-related curriculam for Dharmic education
* Creative yoga sets and meditations for children
* Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji's teachings and practical applications on childraising
* How to raise responsible, mannerful children - guidelines to discipline, specific techniques
* Materials/exercises that stimulate creativity and self-expansion, while encouraging spiritual values
* Guidelines for children's vegetarian diet
* What to do when...your child whines, bed wets, says ‘no’ constantly, takes drugs, etc.

Thank you for your efforts and cooperation in furthering the dharmic education of our children.

Please contact me at (505) 753-9438 ext. 29
Fax: (505) 753-1999
E Mail: [email protected]
From Prosperity Paths Issue: December, 1996
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