Give Your Tenth
Give Your Tenth!
Dasvandh Office

( ) Yes! I accept your invitation to join Sikh Dharma Dasvandh: I agree to contribute the following amount monthly, by Electronic Funds Transfer:

( ) Yes! I will increase my Sikh Dharma Dasvandh to 10%: I agree to contribute the following amount monthly, by Electronic Funds Transfer:

( ) Other $____ ( ) 10% $_____ ( ) $54 ( ) $108 ( ) $501

I have enclosed my first month’s voided check made payable to: Sikh Dharma Dasvandh. Please debit my account on (date)______of each month, beginning ________.

I authorize my bank to transfer from my account the amount of the tithe I have noted above. In the event that I wish to add to or change my tithe, I will write to Dasvandh. A record of each donation will be included on my bank statement and will serve as my tax-deductible receipt.





Please fax your signed, voided check and this form to (505) 753-5982.

Mail checks to: Dasvandh,
PO Box 351149, L.A. CA 90035


...What is the secret of the 10th part? Guru Gobind Singh, the Tenth Guru, told his disciples of the teachings, that one-tenth of what they earned did not belong to them, but belonged to God. When we give it back to Him, then all of the wealth and prosperity which is ours, is revealed to us and is bestowed upon us. And yet, if we fail to give God that 10th part which is rightfully His, that part is still due...and so there may come some unexpected expenses - it is a cosmic inevitability...

Thank you for your commitment to Dasvandh
and Building the Legacy of Guru Gobind Singh.
From Prosperity Paths Issue: September, 1995
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