Master's Touch, '97
Master’s Touch, ‘97
Meagan Bowman
Austin TX, U.S.A.

The 1997 Masters Touch Program in New Mexico this summer was an experience of a lifetime! Each day felt magical as we ascended the hill to classes. Greeting new faces, having the leisure to listen attentively to a life story, and lingering over the wonderful meals under the shaded cottonwoods was sheer bliss!

Each participant was there to grow into themselves and was willing to be tempered with the goal of realizing their true potential. The passion, humor, and experience of M.S.S. Gurucharan Singh Khalsa and his staff fed our hearts and minds with only the highest quality of thoughts and impressions.

Our perceptions of ourselves and our abilities to surpass our comfort zones were stretched as we awoke at 3:30 am, willed ourselves out of bed and seized the day with a very cold shower. There were several days when I went to sadhana, bypassing the cold shower, and felt out of step with the day. It’s as if I missed an opportunity and couldn’t quite grasp all the gems of insight that were offered to me.

The meditations and lectures led by Yogi Bhajan were the highlight of the course. His words and tone of voice penetrated into the essence of my being and have taken up a permanent residence in all of my cells.

Toward the end of the Master’s Touch, we were asked to answer several essay questions: How deeply are we committed to our identity as teachers? What is our sense of destiny and how do fate and destiny conflict? And lastly, how would it feel to be perfectly aligned and to act on our destiny each moment? These were the parting gifts from the teachers to the students, prompting all of us to reflect on the two weeks of training. As new certified Kundalini Yoga teachers, these are questions that can only truly be answered through our day to day actions, as we accept the responsibility to embody these sacred teachings and radiate the face of God to all.

For more information about Master’s Touch courses, call the 3HO Events hotline toll free at 888-346-2420 in the continental U.S. or 505-753-6341 Ext. 121; email is [email protected].
From Prosperity Paths Issue: November, 1997
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