Sat Nam Rasayan in Assisi 2002
Every Year, at the end of the Sat Nam Rasayan Healing Retreat in Assisi, Italy, Guru Dev Singh, renowned healer and teacher of the yogic healing form of Sat Nam Rasayan, says, “Best Assisi ever!!” All the participants clap, whistle, and cheer their agreement. This year was no exception, but this was special, and I realized that each Assisi will always be the best ever. The teachings given to us this year, if we practice them, will ensure the evolution of our consciousness, and our growth as healers and human beings.

Guru Dev Singh visited Siri Singh Sahib (Yogi Bhajan) days before coming to Assisi, to spend many hours healing our teacher. At one point the Siri Singh Sahib awakened and in 15 minutes gave Guru Dev Singh “homework” for the 2002 Assisi retreat, for the very first time. Guru Dev Singh, who had of course already developed his “curriculum,” beautifully incorporated these historic gems from the Siri Singh Sahib. Our homework consisted of seven statements in the form of poetic questions that gave us a system to heal the chakras. In addition, we were given a three-part Har meditation to do every day in our morning Sadhana, to open the fifth chakra. We were instructed how to change the destiny of people who have no hope, using 31 minutes of Bound Lotus Kriya and 11-21 minutes of One Minute Breath1. Finally, the Siri Singh Sahib directed us how to use our eyes for healing, which was part of the original work Guru Dev Singh had intended for us.

The main focus of Sat Nam Rasayan teaching is to develop the neutral, projective mind in a state of pure, stable contemplation, to use for healing. Combining our practice of contemplation with the amazing exercises given to us by the Siri Singh Sahib created some of the most powerful, transformative experiences that we have ever known. Dedicated yogis (our brothers and sisters!) practicing Bound Lotus and then One Minute Breath1 for people chosen to have their destinies healed created events of sacredness in action that were awe-inspiring. Our morning Sadhana Har meditation created such a flow of communication, that this body of almost 200 people, speaking six or seven different languages, came to a state of one mind. Despite all our obvious differences, unity and grace became the truth about our presence together. In this state, we performed a healing meditation for the Siri Singh Sahib in a beautiful spiral configuration, chanting our gratitude to the teacher who gave Sat Nam Rasayan to the world by teaching such a student as Guru Dev Singh and made possible these “best ever” experiences
of Assisi 2002.

1. The Bound Lotus Kriya is being taught at Summer Solstice. The One Minute Breath meditation is described in: Kundalini Yoga, by Shakta Kaur Khalsa.
From Prosperity Paths Issue: January, 2003
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