Aquarian Times Magazine
What do you call a person who lives from the depth of their heart, integrates information from beyond the five senses, and lives outside of the ego and at one with their own Soul? A Sensory Human! In these changing times, known as the Age of Aquarius, many people will experience changes and shifts on all levels and will be challenged to overcome perceived limitations. To prevail and succeed, a person must go beyond the five senses, step outside of the “I” and live with a deep sensitivity to their own intuitive faculties and energies. One can develop their capacity to live as a Sensory Human by consciously connecting to the life force (breath), strengthening the nervous system, balancing the emotional and mental bodies, and developing an intimate relationship with their own Soul. Find out much more about being and becoming a Sensory Human this Spring, in the next issue of Aquarian Times.

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From Prosperity Paths Issue: March, 2003
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