New Publications Available Directly from KRI
It is our blessing to offer our newest publication, Tool Kit for Beginners, written by Shakti Parwha Kaur Khalsa. This is the first curriculum available for teachers of beginning classes, with 6 complete lesson plans, including handouts, recipes, appropriate yoga sets, mantras, discussions, meditations and more. Developed from 30 years of experience this manual is a priceless tool for all teachers of Kundalini Yoga. It includes the most basic and important information and technology for all students. Tool Kit for Teaching Beginners belongs in the library of every teacher: for reference, lesson plans, and as an accurate source for the simple and pure teachings of Yogi Bhajan.

We are also delighted to announce that a new yoga manual from Harijot Kaur Khalsa will be available by Winter Solstice 2000. This fourth manual is called Self Experience and contains previously unpublished kriyas and meditations.

Tool Kit for Teaching Beginners is available only from KRI at this time. Please contact us at (505) 753-0562 or [email protected] for more information
From Prosperity Paths Issue: October, 2000
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