International Outreach
International Outreach
Hari Kaur Khalsa

Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA

The Bhai Sahiba, SS Bibiji Inderjit Kaur, Ph.D., has been actively promoting 3HO and Sikh Dharma. Her most recent accomplishment is her participation in United Nations activities. She was appointed to President Clinton’s Inter-agency Council on Women, and was invited to a briefing and luncheon at the White House, hosted by the chair of the Council, Hillary Rodham Clinton. Members of the official United States delegation, including the Ambassador to the UN, gave reports to the assembled appointees.

Radiant in her all white bana and white turban, Bibiji stands out in the crowd and people are drawn to her. She is being recognized for her attendance and participation at various UN conferences and for her follow-up on issues generated at these conferences.

The Bhai Sahib Ji’s next United Nations outreach will be this summer at the last global conference of this century for Habitat II. The dates are June 3-14, and will take place in Istanbul, Turkey. The purpose of this conference will be to address the ‘urbanization’ of the world, especially the problems of ‘the city.’

The Siri Singh Sahib Ji has asked that we participate. You can be assured of opportunities to join in fascinating workshops and be in contact with very stimulating politically and spiritually involved people from all over the globe.

Istanbul has one of the oldest continually active bazaars. Day trips to historic sites and to various Mediterranean Islands will be made available. Enrollment in the conference is limited. Please contact me, Hari Kaur Khalsa by March 30th at 505-293-5926.
From Prosperity Paths Issue: March, 1996
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