You Are Gracious Not Guilty!
Meditation with Picture
When we cannot save ourselves from our emotions, we are unable to use our intuition to be aware of our tomorrow. All the guidance given in the Siri Guru Granth Sahib comes to one understanding—there is no heaven or hell, no guilt and no nonsense. All you have to do is to make sense to yourself. Making sense to everybody except ourselves, we become victims of our own concept, attachment, greed and anger.

There is no God outside of you. Your God starts with you, goes with you, and ends with you. But you have guilt! So you can never be you. Save yourself from yourself—drop that guilt! It is the reason we are a community. Every community leader knows how to give, because giving is the only way. Do not just give to those who ask. Give to those who do not ask, and keep on giving. Your faculty and God’s Faculty will become the same.

Have you ever sat down with someone and eaten from the same plate? No? And you call yourself human? How many people have you helped? How many children have you played with? You are looking for romance, yet you do not have any romance with nature, Prakirti. Have you become one with each other in the Name of God? How much nearness have you produced? Are you relaxed when somebody commits a mistake? Do you share kindness and compassion? Socializing and being kind to each other, we grow our ultimate aura. If a person has fallen, raise him. If people are hungry, feed them. If people are unhappy, dance with them. Simply remember that you are gracious, not guilty!

The subconscious tension we create is not required. Life is like a beautiful, marvelous horse and a cripple is riding it, with unnecessary problems and attachments. God does everything, but you cannot believe or trust it. He gives the breath of life and you make commentary and create drama. That much you get involved in Maya! You know it is not real, but you feel it is real. Guide your ego to strength of straight-forwardness. Feel the real “real.”

Do you remember when you wanted to come to class and couldn’t? Do you remember when you wanted to get up in the morning and be with your God and couldn’t? Do you remember when you wanted to love and be with somebody and couldn’t? All problems on this planet come from “couldn’t.” It gives us a slip from our dharma, from our destiny. We need to make our will so clean, clear and positive that “couldn’t” does not touch our shores.

Kundalini Yoga takes away “couldn’t” and gives us excellence. In creating excellent character, it gives a pathway of essential sacrifice, which gives maximum happiness. If we cannot sacrifice our ego, attachments, anger, lust and greed—what can we sacrifice? These faculties force our “couldn’t” upon us. Things will not change until you change them through the Divine You within you, which allows you to sacrifice. Reality in you makes you realize. This is the law of the Lord, Purkha, and Nature, Prakirti and will never change. You must change with it.

Sequence has a consequence. When we start a sequence, the consequence will be there. If you do not want consequences, do not start the sequence. Have that control! Control your “couldn’t”! Let us meditate to get rid of this “couldn’t.”

MEDITATION Intuition and Strength
of Excellence
Sit straight in a cross-legged position. Cross the middle fingers over the backs of the index fingers, the other two fingers are closed and locked down with the thumbs. Bring the mudra up to ear level, with elbows bent. Eyes are closed. Chant from the navel the mantra “Har, Har, Har, Har…” (“Tantric Har” by Simran Kaur and Guru Prem Singh). Sit like you were the Lord Buddha. Be constant and consistent. Continue for 11 minutes. To end, inhale deeply, hold, and let it multiply into the being. Exhale. Repeat one more time, then inhale deeply and powerfully, hold, and pull the navel in. Exhale and relax.
Photo Gracious not guilty.jpg

Practicing a kriya like this one with a mantra gives you a rhythm. When your life is subject to rhythm, “couldn’t” goes away.

Teachings of Yogi Bhajan, © 2001 Yogi Bhajan. Used with kind permission from Yoga Gems (Meditations for the New Millennium) Synopses from the teachings of Yogi Bhajan, © 2001 Yoga Gems. Contact: [email protected]

From Prosperity Paths Issue: May, 2002
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