Dear Prosperity Paths Readers
Dear Prosperity Paths Readers,

Happy New Year. Very soon many of you will be receiving your year-end statements from Dasvandh. I must tell you how moved I am by your commitment, your trust, and your generosity to Sikh Dharma. Your tithing to Dasvandh allows us to continue to serve and expand as we move closer to the challenges of the new millennium. At this writing, there are only 350 days until the year 2000!

On New Year's Day I was meditating on "99." In my meditation, I saw each "9" swing towards the other, form a heart, and transform into a door. Walking through that door, I felt the experience of the nine treasures of Guru Teg Bahadur (the ninth Sikh Guru) in duplicate - they were running towards me!

In this very powerful double nine year, it is my prayer for all of us that we open our own hearts, allowing the trust and devotion of Guru Teg Bahadur to fill us. May we all ever experience the true prosperity of our soul, remembering that to give is to let go, to let go is to open up, and to open up is to receive.

In service to universal prosperity, I am humbly yours,

Atma Kaur Khalsa,
Dasvandh Director

P.S. If you would like to learn more about Dasvandh, our tithing system, please call me at 505-747-7017, or send your email inquiry to [email protected]. If you would like to walk through the door of prosperity, please take a moment to review the Dasvandh donation envelope included in this newsletter, and select the giving option that works best for you. If you are currently an EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) donor, you can use this envelope to increase your monthly commitment.
From Prosperity Paths Issue: February, 1999
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