Prosperity Quotes
You have to live with kindness, compassion, and service. These are the three principles of all knowledge, prosperity, and richness.

By truth you produce happiness, by truth you produce prosperity, by truth you produce opportunity, by truth you have everything you need.

Prosperity message for the Aquarian Age:
Prosperity, prosperity, prosperity is perpetual with people who prefer to be penetrating, prepared and trustworthy. But prosperity only comes to those who are trustworthy, deliver, and are content and consistent. Basically it boils down to commitment. If you put your soul into anything you can plug the whole world. It will be yours. You can sweep prosperity with your commitment. Contain, commit and be continuous.
May your spirit protect you, may your spirit prevail, may your spirit project you into your hemisphere of prosperity, power, grace, and dignity. May you live and let all there is live. May you be humble and flow through all, into the most subtle corners of life, and enjoy the totality of Infinity. May this day bring peace, prosperity, and grace. Sat Nam

Personal dignity, prosperity and identity make the only shield of God a human has. If your dignity is established it means you are stable, it certifies stability; then you can be trusted, you will be loved and talked to and your words will mean everything.
© 2003 Yogi Bhajan. Used with kind permission from
Aquarian Wisdom Calendars -

From Prosperity Paths Issue: September, 2003
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