Six Practices For Creating Communities Of Value, Not Proximity
Six Practices For Creating Communities Of Value, Not Proximity
Dave Ulrich

Dave Ulrich is coauthor of "Organizational Capability: Competing from the Inside Out;" "The Boundaryless Organization: Breaking the Chains of Organization Structure;" and "Human Resource Champions." He is hailed as one of the world's top ten educators in management and the number one educator in human resources. He is speaking on creating communities of the future.

Creating Communities of Value
  1. Forge a strong and distinct identity.
  2. Establish clear rules of inclusion.
  3. Share information across boundaries.
  4. Create serial reciprocity.
  5. Use symbols, myths, and stories to create and sustain values.
  6. Manage enough similarity so that the community feels familiar.

Mechanisms for Deciding
The useful community of the future will be one that has, by a process of dialogue and deliberation, discovered for itself the basic elements required to find common ground.

Organization of Community Work
The potential of strong communities lies in their ability to design and implement systems at all levels and in all sectors that are less about form and more about service, work to be done and values to be shared.
From Prosperity Paths Issue: October, 1998
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