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Dr. Guruchander Singh Khalsa
We can never hear enough about a good thing and we love to revisit the success of it. Here is a great story inspired by Prosperity Paths. We hope this story inspires you! Note his attitude: To “Command” Prosperity - the most important aspect of doing any meditation. Sometimes it takes time to achieve that space of being able to command it. Commit to this meditation or one of the others that Yogi Bhajan has given us, and don’t stop until your consciousness has been transformed. We recommend that you start a meditation today and give one tenth or some part of your earnings to Dasvandh and enjoy a life of Prosperity. We hope your journey into Prosperity Consciousness is fun and rewarding.

By Amrit Singh Khalsa, PhD
I went to MIT and graduated with a PhD in Aeronautical Engineering. I went to work directly from there for Golden Temple (almost 5 yrs ago) for a very low monthly salary. My peers were making more than that per week! For me, the blessings of working for Dharmic businesses far outweighed the low salary.

Last spring the Siri Singh Sahib gave me a hukam to “Command Prosperity.” So I thought and meditated about how to do that. I tend to have a sort of absent-minded professor approach to material things - I don’t really care at all about the car I drive, how my house looks, if I have nice clothes, jewelry, etc. So as I meditated on it more it seemed to me that my not caring attitude was not a prosperous attitude. I started the “Har Har Har” meditation I had read about in Prosperity Paths (hitting the opposite sides of the hands together) in early June with the intention of getting to “care” more about material things, while still not being attached to them.

I practice this meditation 11 minutes a day, usually in the mornings. I’m still going strong with it, and it’s been 8 months now. One of the things doing this meditation has brought me is the understanding that God is the Doer of everything and the Giver of everything. I really get into the feeling of just being a vehicle, an avenue - a flow coming from God and a flow going back to God.

This was my first attempt to consciously creating prosperity. I normally am not a goal-setter (with money matters that is), but this year I set out to get out of debt by the end of the year 2001. I do give to Dasvandh, and it took a lot of resolution to continue with it, while I was in debt and setting a goal to get out of it. But I continued to give. And then I received a great year-end bonus which helped me get completely out of debt (already!).

I am now working for the corporate offices of KIIT. In the fall I got a car (a ‘78 Mercedes 450SL - on which I get tons of compliments at gas stations and parking lots), and in December I got a great place to live, as well as a raise.

Just 2 days ago the Siri Singh Sahib told me that I now have a wife (a good Dutch wife who can keep me in line), a car, and a house and now I just need money. He said that one day I will be more blessed than he. I took that to mean that a) I will be continuing the meditation, and b) there will be lots more prosperity coming!

To Do This Prosperity Meditation:

Hit the sides of the hands together - first the Jupiter (pointer) fingers together, then the pinky fingers together. Look at the tip of your nose. Play the Tantric Har tape and chant “Har, Har, Har...” from the navel.

“Note: You should not do this meditation more than 3 minutes when you are working during the day, or you will become too rich. I am not joking. Doing it 11 minutes a day is more than enough. Doing it too much will be greed. It stimulates the mind, the moon center and Jupiter. When Jupiter and the moon come together, there is no way in the world you will not create wealth.” – YB
From Prosperity Paths Issue: February, 2001
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