1997 Numerology Forecast
1997 Numerology Forecast
Nam Hari Kaur Khalsa
Espanola, New Mexico
1997 offers us the opportunities of personal growth and expansion. Being an 8 year, with the influence of a 7, new businesses and technologies will flourish. Every home will have a computer and a fax machine, and home businesses will continue to thrive. On the spiritual side, there will be an intensified thirst for knowledge and the answers to life's stresses and strains. This will create an even greater market for new spiritual leaders and teachings. However, let the buyer beware, as there will be many wolves in sheep's clothing. It will be supremely important for us to keep our auric field strong, and pranic body charged, so that our intelligence may work for us, and our executive mind can recognize the true opportunities. A powerful aura and pranic body will give us the ability to elevate others, without becoming drained, as many people will be coming to us for guidance and inspiration. Because of the presence of the two 9's in the calendar year, till the end of this century there will continue to be intense changes in the earth's climate and weather. Additionally, the presence of the two 9's in the calendar year adds much intensity to the experience of the next 3 years. Nine represents mastery, but it also represents completion. What people cannot master and complete gracefully in this time period, will have the tendency to release itself in a violent or destructive way. Thus, there is ever a greater need for our fearless expansion and excellence at this time, so that we may answer the prayer of humanity.
From Prosperity Paths Issue: February, 1997
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