IKYTA's Moments With the Master
at Nam. Here at IKYTA International Headquarters we are ready for the New Year. We decided to test our new 2003 online membership benefit, “Moments with the Master.” Yogi Bhajan will speak, giving us a monthly message for our membership which will posted as a sound bite in the “Members Only” section of our website. We want to share this first message with all of you.
Moments with the Master, Yogi Bhajan
November 12, 2002

"Anybody can claim to be a teacher, or pretend to be a teacher, or personify a teacher, or get a certification as a teacher, etc., etc. But if someone’s outgoing personality does not reveal his character, commitment, grace, dignity and divinity, then the whole thing is a handicap. The relationship between a teacher and a student is that the student has to have reverence, love and affection for the teacher. And that means that a student has to trust the teacher. But if a teacher wants to have control or aims to get some benefits - sensual, sexual, monetary, political, social - whatever you call it; and a teacher is mentally dependent not on the teachings penetrating into the student, but on some other things, if (for example) the student is rich and needs to be catered to, then that’s ridiculous.

I remember myself that when I used to teach in LA a lot of movie stars, directors, and fashion models came; but our policy is not to introduce anybody. Not to draw off of them. Our policy is just to teach, and finish. That purity is essential in order to be a human. I’m not even talking of a teacher. Being a teacher is great, but I’m talking of being simply human. A human must not extend himself or herself to anyone other than for the purpose of giving the other person divinity, dignity, grace and knowledge. That is my day. Sat Nam."

Right now you can go online to our website at www.kundaliniyoga.com, download the sound bite right from our home page, and hear the voice of our beloved teacher. You can also check out all our benefits in the Member Information section. And remember, Associate Membership is open to everyone - you can receive “Moments with the Master,” monthly, as well as Kundalini Rising!, our quarterly newsletter with newly published yoga sets and meditations, and more.

Check us out! Let’s work together to serve the mission of practicing and teaching Kundalini Yoga with all who come to learn.

All Blessings to you and your families for a Healthy, Happy, and Holy 2003
Guruka Kaur Khalsa
IKYTA Outreach Director
[email protected]
From Prosperity Paths Issue: January, 2003
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