“What is the secret to being grateful? The greatest thing is to be great, it’s a simple thing- right now you are breathing, you are alive, and you are full of life. If you start with that, you have 3 things. You will be prosperous. You will be rich. And you will have many, many opportunities and friends.”

”Those who choose in life the compliments in place of complaining, are always prosperous and happy.”

“Adversity, calamity and misfortune - these are three sisters. They only come to visit those who react to them. Opportunity, fortune and good luck, these are three sisters, too. They come to visit those who are calm, quiet, and peaceful. It is the inner tranquility.”

“Don’t go and get it; Be, and allow it to come to you.”

“You have to live with kindness, compassion, and service. These are the three principles, sources of all knowledge, happiness, prosperity, and richness.”

“Character has to be built from the foundation up. Character brings you prosperity.”
From Prosperity Paths Issue: December, 2000
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