Good Idea Needs Sevadar
Good Idea Needs Sevadar!
SS Kirn Kaur Khalsa

Director Office of Youth Affairs

We would like to begin a Summer Solstice Yoga Olympics, a new tradition for our children at next Summer Solstice. Imagine the children working to perfect their yoga postures, using high altitude training to "Go for the Gold!" Besides the fun this would be, imagine the inspiration and benefits to the children. Imagine the benefits to the adults who work with the children, and the benefits to Sikh Dharma and 3HO to have children and adults working together to build stronger bodies, minds, and souls.

Would you like to be the person to organize the First Annual Summer Solstice Children’s’ Yoga Olympics? The coordination needs to begin now to ensure the success of this great idea. Please call me at (505) 753-0599 x129, or email me at [email protected].
From Prosperity Paths Issue: August, 1997
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