The Tool to Adjust to the Frequency of the Aquarian Age
Our future is now and our presence is our purity... Our creativity will be our sensory system...”
Once again the Siri Singh Sahib ji has given us a powerful tool to help us adjust to the new frequencies we will be facing, a lecture entitled: “The Self-Sensory System and the Transition From This Piscean Age to the Aquarian Age.” His manifesto: Record this entire lecture in your own voice and listen to it daily!
“In the next twelve to fourteen years you will be needed by the world. It does not matter who one is today or to whom one belongs - people’s minds are going to go empty. In this Piscean Age, which is going to end, the main need was for knowledge, for creative legacy.
“But the time is changing, people are looking towards fulfillment of the self through purity and piety, individuality and reality. They don’t want to practice duality anymore. ... A Self-Sensory System will develop, a new system where the individual will find himself or herself complete.
“The time has come of self-value. And the question is not: “To be or not to be;” the statement is: “To be, to be.” “I Am, I Am.” The time has come not to search for God, but to be God. Time is not to worship God, but to trust and dwell in the working God.
“The sensory system which will develop automatically out of us will be our archangel protecting us and glorifying us.” (More excerpts from this lecture on page 2.)

This powerful lecture has been printed as a specially designed pamphlet and is offered to everyone. See inside this issue for how to obtain your copy today.
From Prosperity Paths Issue: October, 2000
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