To the Dasvandh Office - From our Readers!
Dear Prosperity Central,

I’ve been working like crazy for years. So far I’ve learned how to create and live on a budget and I’ve started to pay off my debt, but I still never have any money. Can you help? TK, California

Dear TK from California,
Thanks for writing. First of all – congratulations – you’re doing great!! We know how frustrating it can be when you are always looking towards the goal of financial independence and prosperity and still struggling to get by! But you are really doing things in exactly the right way – first you set your intention, then you create the container. You deplete the negative things (like debt) and create an avenue for the prosperity to flow. To give you more of a feeling of satisfaction, we would suggest you focus on meditations and yoga sets that have a grounding effect (i.e. Chair pose, Crow Pose). Come down to earth, focus on the now and revel in your success. We would also suggest the Ajai Alai prosperity meditation (find it on our website). This meditation can help you into a place of pure gratitude, so that you can appreciate all you have succeeded in so far. So instead of coming from the place of “never having any money” you can vibrate in the success you have already manifested, thereby removing the blocks from prosperity entering your life.

“Fabulous! Fabulous! Fabulous!
You’ve done great!” KSK

“Sat Nam.
Just wanted to let you know how valuable the work you do is. Prosperity Paths is my ongoing source of inspiration. I especially love the Siri Singh Sahib quotes and use them frequently in my workshops and with clients. Thank you for this year’s Dasvandh DVD. It is extraordinary!
God bless you.” HKK

“Sat Nam Friends. Thank you for the special “Lighthouse” DVD. I am very blessed by you!” CF

“Thank you very much and keep up the good work. Your newsletter is always an inspiration. I learn something everytime and I can apply the message to my life immediately. I could go on and on about how you have helped me become a better man and a better human being, but I know you have work to do!” JH

From Prosperity Paths Issue: January, 2004
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