Report From The Secretary General
Report from the Secretary General
M.S.S. S. Guru Amrit Kaur Khalsa
Secretary General of Sikh Dharma

Isn't it great! It is 1994 and the 25th Anniversary of 3HO. Our focus throughout this year will be on our teachings. We are defined as the Siblings of Destiny, a destiny to unfold in the Aquarian Age. It is our practice of Kundalini Yoga and the teachings of the 3HO lifestyle that has enabled so many of us to become aware of our destiny as Sikhs. We are a link in the golden chain of teachers born to preserve a history and heritage longer than recorded time.

In the Siri Singh Sahib’s New Year's address, he advised us of the changes humanity will face as the planet itself redefines its geography. The way we work and our self concept will change with the information revolution; just as mankind made leaps into the future with the discovery of the pendulum to regulate time.

All of these shifts will affect the magnetic fields of humans. Many will be at our doorsteps needing our ancient knowledge. Therefore, as Custodian of these Teaching in this 25th Anniversary year, let us concentrate on serving the public with this ancient technology.

Over the next two years the Khalsa Council will be focusing on the agenda of Living and Spreading the Teachings. At the last October Khalsa Council Meetings we established Strategic Action Teams, (S.A.T.'s) to consolidate effort on the following aspects of the teachings: Teachings, Publishing, Public Relations, Information Systems, Business, Personal Growth, Guru's Teachings and Fund Development. Please communicate openly with everyone you know who attends Khalsa Council; share your creative ideas and ways in which you would like to participate. Your involvement in this year, our 25th Anniversary, is essential. Every effort towards the good of humanity will make a difference. Donate generously of your time, concepts and funds. As clearly defined in the Fund Development Office Mission Statement 'to perpetuate the legacies and technology of Sikh Dharma and 3HO Foundation by capitalizing on the desire of humanity to serve others and to invest and prosper now and in the future'. Your increase of donations to Sikh Dharma Dasvandh and 3HO Gurudakshina will actuate this legacy.
God Bless you,
MSS S Guru Amrit Kaur Khalsa
From Prosperity Paths Issue: January, 1994
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