The Virtue of a Meditative Mind
nation is an embodiment of people who have a grip on their today and their tomorrow, which gives them the capacity to work together for a common cause. First we were cave people and then we expanded into territories. From kingdoms we became city-states, then nations. Man is a social animal and cannot live alone. We need to live together. To get together we have to have a common cause. We know, feel and understand our common cause. It becomes extremely easy to be united, if we have a meditative mind.

When we act through our impulse, we are just two-legged animals. We look human but we are impulsive and guided by emotions, commotions and neuroses. By our meditative mind we act through intuition. When your nature is not developed into a combination of goodness, Godliness and grace, it is your direct loss. Through your unkindness you are unkind to yourself. When you are intuitive, you live your caring, compassionate and kind nature. Through the virtue of a meditative nature you enjoy your real nature. You will always be prosperous. You cannot be defeated.

When wrong things happen to us we blame the environments. Environments are not to be blamed! We rely on our easy, impulsive nature. We all refuse to confront. We say, “Leave him alone! Time will teach him. Let him have his way. Why should we do anything?” Our nature is to avoid confrontation. Consequently, by habit, we are liars. We lie to ourselves to start with, and then to everybody else, because we are non-confronting and non-expressive. That is why our prayer does not work. Our prayer is non-confrontational. If you do not confront and make agreements with God, you do not have a relationship with Him.

This meditation creates a magnetic frequency in your body which will make your psyche flow towards you. You have the mind to project your thoughts. For seeding thoughts, you need extra inner energy to inspire your aim. With these practices, you should have a clear aim so you can penetrate a mantra in your being and in your surroundings.

Do not proselytize, do not argue, do not tell people what is good and what is bad. Just uplift them. Take them one step higher. Let them know there is hope, there is a chance. We are a nation of technicians who will be in a position to transmit energy to uplift people. No matter what you are going through, just consolidate on your breath. In that consolidation you will find the answer to confronting your problem. Hail Guru Ram Das and heal people in his name. Let Guru Ram Das give the result. Be alert and pray unto him, who is already in you, to come through.
(5/15/2000 Synopses, continued page 3)

From Prosperity Paths Issue: January, 2003
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