Miri Piri Academy - Adopt-A-Project
Visiting Scholar

SS Dr. Kirpal Singh Khalsa

Siri Singh Sahib Ji established Miri Piri Academy so that the generations of the Age of Aquarius can grow in strength and consciousness. His personal investments helped create the buildings, facilities, equipment and supplies of an educational institution, currently numbering 110 students and 50 staff. The school programs aim to create conscious and committed human beings, certified Kundalini Yoga teachers, trained Sikh Dharma ministers, and men and women prepared to do business in the 21st century. It is the training ground for the future of our Dharma. Thank you, Siri Singh Sahib.

What one man has done! What can 100 do? What can a thousand do? The opportunities to create a legacy for the future are many and exciting. Miri Piri Academy is building the foundation for the generations of Sikh Dharma. It is also the best investment of value and virtue available to the givers, saints and heroes of our current generation.

Each one of us in our Dharma is an expert or is becoming an expert in their various fields. This expertise may be in finances, business, Yoga, Dharmic studies, martial arts, dance, global awareness, cosmology, humanology or computer technology. There may be gifts in discipline, in consciousness or in prosperity. Are you able to share your expertise, your gifts and your passion with the students at MPA? Are you willing? Miri Piri Academy has a Visiting Scholar Program in which experts in various fields participate in the educational curriculum at the school.

Sat Hanuman Singh is an expert in the American Civil War. He spent one month at Miri Piri Academy, sharing his love and insight into this incredible period of American history. His costumes, flags, memorabilia and enthusiasm brought this history to life for the students. Thank you, Sat Hanuman Singh.

The future generations respond to creativity. They respond to teachings from the heart. They blossom in the light of inspiration. They are hungry for knowledge of this world and the next.

If you are interested in the Visiting Scholar Program, contact Sahaj Singh at the SDEI office. He will explain some of the curriculum requirements and will help you coordinate with the school. A written course description and a syllabus will be required. Depending on the subject matter, you may want to teach a weekend workshop, a two-week course or a month long course. You may find that you benefit from teaching the course as much as the students do taking the course.

There are many ways to leave a legacy for the future. Perhaps you are successful on the earthly plane. God has blessed you with wealth, dominion and knowledge of the laws of prosperity. Miri Piri Academy has an Adopt-A-Project program in which people of consciousness may participate in the growth and enrichment of the school.

Guru Singh saw that the school needed an upgrade in its computer system. He raised money to purchase 12 powerful computers. The students now have a computer lab for research, reports, and e-mail access. Starting in September, all students will study computer science as part of the regular curriculum. Upcoming computer courses include computer applications, software development, networking and Web coding. Thank you, Guru Singh.

Sevak Singh is building an art studio at the school. When it is finished it will house a workspace for ceramics, metalwork and sculpture. Working closely with school officials, he designed the space, purchased the materials, will oversee the construction and will ensure that teachers, materials, supplies and a complete program will be in place for the students. Thank you, Sevak Singh.

Projects at Miri Piri Academy may include: buildings, facilities, equipment, furniture, materials, or upgrades of existing facilities. Projects may simply offer an opportunity to invest specific amounts of money. Other projects may offer the opportunity to invest time, effort and expertise. Perhaps a project would involve sponsoring a special program. Many people already sponsor students to attend the school. The opportunities are many. The SDEI office has a list of specific projects one may adopt.

Anyone interested in investing in our future and building a legacy should contact Sahaj Singh. Ultimately, the projects will be done working closely with Mrs. Sandhu, Principal of Miri Piri Academy. She will be the coordinator of efforts and will direct interested people to the specific department heads responsible for the various projects. The future is ours to create. No investment will yield greater returns than one that builds the consciousness of our future generations. The Siri Singh Sahib has led the way. Now it is our turn. Thank you.
From Prosperity Paths Issue: August, 2000
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