Siri Singh Sahib (aka Yogi Bhajan)

“It’s my effort to teach you something useful for tomorrow. It’s not a mystery, it’s not imagination - it will come upon us soon, the flare of the sun is going to disturb the magnetic field of the Earth. You’ll find your hair will start reacting differently because the electromagnetic wave will be discharged from the sun to the Earth and the electromagnetic field of the Earth will be disturbed. One of the things which protects your brain is the hair on your head.

You’ll get stuck with a thought. The heat from the sun flares is going to wipe out a lot of things. This is going to happen in the next 18 months. I don’t know what will happen to all the satellites we have up there. Meteorites will change their path. Humans will find it difficult to find the way.

It will challenge you. Don’t be surprised at people’s behavior. Re-establish the communication. Don’t doubt your friends, don’t doubt your enemies. Don’t trust your patients, don’t trust your doctors. It’s a matter of being alert in every walk of life. Do not depend on tomorrow. Period. In every relationship depend on today. It’s easy to develop this habit. And if you want to go north - go north, don’t start by driving south.

This revolving Earth creates a magnetic field. Sun flares - when they go backward - are safe, but when they push towards the Earth, it’s like a bombardment which Earth has to withstand.

What is happening is a slow, steady change in the atmosphere. Your endurance will be very low. Whether you are a yogi or not, you’ll go berserk. It happened 136 years ago. It happens when the sun re-organizes its radiation and the flare becomes very big and huge, like a storm. It’s mentioned as “fire storms” in the old books.

Venus and Mars are going to be affected, so there can be misunderstanding. Don’t pick these fights - they are useless, they waste your human body energy, they will make your mind impure and they will give you a lot of pain. A lot of pain.
Meditation to Give You the Sophistication to Deal with Life without Fear.
“Do it for 11 minutes every day, it will change you.”

1) Starting position: The hands are in front of the chest, palms facing each other, fingers together, pointing straight up, elbows
tucked in at the sides.

2) Bring the right hand up to the level of the right shoulder facing down, the left hand goes to just above the knee facing up.

3) Then bring the hands together powerfully, as if you were going to clap, but stop just short of clapping.

4) Holding the position right before the hands would have met on the clap, switch the hand positions, hold for a moment.

5) Return to the starting position. The complete cycle is four clearly defined, separate movements. The entire cycle takes
approximately 4-5 seconds.

6) To finish the meditation: breathe in deeply, clasp your hands together in front of the heart center and push them
together powerfully. Cannon-fire exhale through the mouth. Repeat two more times. Relax.

Excerpts, 2/21/00, Los Angeles, CA
From Prosperity Paths Issue: June, 2000
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