A 10th To The Power: Fulfilling The Das
A 10th to the Power: Fulfilling the Das
Atma Kaur Khalsa

Espanola NM, U.S.A.

I recently had a conversation with someone who told me his prosperity wasn’t happening fast enough. I asked about his time table, and heard about his bills, health expenses, car payments, and rent. I turned the topic to Dasvandh, and he said, “Well I give Dasvandh, but I can only do $27 month; I’m doing this prosperity meditation and hope things will improve, so I can give more.” He further stated that he donated supplies, services, and his time to the Dharma.

This is a constant thing I hear in relation to giving to Dasvandh, and it makes me ponder the thought I heard many years ago in relation to prosperity: That God dispassionately responds to our emptying, by refilling. By trusting that God will come through, we experience the expansion of our capacity to receive.

If we give less than a tenth, God may proportionately return less than a tenth. This is an energy exchange, not a punishment.

Deeds of consciousness and service create spiritual expansion for the individual; we give and grow in gratitude. These acts electromagnetically bring about a different result, however, and serve a different purpose than tithing our tenth.

So set an experiment in motion and try it for 90 days-- take the leap of faith and increase your Dasvandh to the full
Das. We give our 10th as we remember the 10th Master, who gave his All.
From Prosperity Paths Issue: September, 1995
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