Flowing With Prosperity
Flowing With Prosperity
When we are sleeping the natural patterns of breathing usually take over. There is a natural balance between what comes in and what goes out. During sleep is when we are the most relaxed and when we are relaxed, the flow of in and out happens quite naturally and without any help. In the rest of our life, it is the same - even with prosperity. It's like Yogi Bhajan says, we want to be what we want to be, but we don't want to be what we are, but if we relax and “allow,” the flow of prosperity is amazing.

But what does that mean? Does it mean we don't pay attention to bills or due dates, to budgets or better opportunities? Of course not; but we take care of things with a detachment that allows us to breathe and flow, and that allows prosperity to come into our lives. That detachment comes from the place of Shuniya, zero; it is not that we don't care, but we don't invest ourselves in how something "has" to be, we simply allow to be what it is.

My experience in the 5 years of working in the Dasvandh office, is that this is not only true for me in every facet of my life, but also for the majority of donors that we are grateful to witness. We breathe, we give, we breathe, we allow the rewards of giving back into our lives. I have observed that those who reap the greatest rewards are those who apply this principle keenly. They tithe without expectation and as easily as they breathe in and out; and their own prosperity is enhanced without expectation and as easily as they breathe in and out.

I invite you to add this nine minute meditation for prosperity to your daily routine and to meditate on the flow of giving and receiving in your life. If you do not already have an active tithing program, consider starting one right now. And watch how prosperity sweeps right into your life without expectation and as easily as you breathe in and out.

Please contact us in the Dasvandh office for information about tithing.
[email protected]
From Prosperity Paths Issue: May, 2005
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