Give Hope to Those Who Don't Have Hope
"There is no other source of life through which you can feel happy, unless you give. And what can you give? When you give yourself discipline and your discipline gives hope to somebody, that is what brings happiness.

I hope you will continue this as your practice so that you may enter the Age of Aquarius peacefully, gracefully, and with strength. I hope you do not do what most people will be doing: shattering, shivering and sharing their fears and nightmares. I want you to be really successful so that you can lift people like a forklift and hold them up so they can reach their destination. I am asking your spirit to wake up - that is what matters.

For that, you have to eat right, speak right, and have manners and mastery of yourself. In next coming years before the Age of Aquarius enters, you will find thousands of people with empty hearts, empty minds, and empty selves. You are their hope. This is the time to prove our grit. This is the time to pay our debt by giving hope and showing our character and commitment. It will be a sacrifice but that’s what we will do. That is our spirit; that’s our character.

I want to teach you to be great, so you can make others great. There lies the hope; there lies the mission. Remember God uplifts those who uplift others.

Everybody is an instrument; everybody is a help to the other. Give hope to those who don’t have hope; give love to those who don’t understand; give food to those who have not eaten; and give comfort to the uncomfortable. It’s all divinity. Try to be what you have to be.

May the Creator give you the strength to commit to yourself, and through that commitment may you elevate yourself to serve all those who need your help. May you help in the Name of the One Who created you and serve others with peace, tranquility, love, and affection. May divinity and dignity grow in you, and may it attract and serve people as hope. May this hope in humankind bring you to mental, physical and universal peace forever. Sat Nam.
- Siri Singh Sahib (Yogi Bhajan), Excerpts

Teachings of Yogi Bhajan, © 2001 Yogi Bhajan.

Used with kind permission from Yoga Gems (Meditations for the New Millennium) Synopses from the teachings of Yogi Bhajan, © 2001 Yoga Gems. Contact: [email protected],

From Prosperity Paths Issue: January, 2003
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