Meditation to Empower the Psyche's Projection
1. Sit straight in a cross-legged position. Raise the left arm in parallel equilibrium with the ground and bend the elbow so that the hand is in front of your chest, palm facing down. Extend the right arm straight forward in parallel equilibrium with the heavens, elbow straight, palm facing upwards. Eyes are focused at the tip of the nose. Become calm. Chant Wah-hay Guroo, Wah-hay Jeeo by Sangeet Kaur and Harjinder Singh (from Raga Sadhana).
Continue for 22 minutes.

2. Place both hands over the heart center, right over left. Continue chanting for 2 minutes.

3. Same position, whisper the mantra for 2 minutes.

4. Same position, chant in silence for 1 minute.To end, inhale deeply and hold. Stretch the spine and squeeze every fiber of the body to equalize the energy. Exhale. Repeat 2 more times. Relax.
Teachings of Yogi Bhajan, © 2001 Yogi Bhajan.

Used with kind permission from Yoga Gems (Meditations for the New Millennium) Synopses from the teachings of Yogi Bhajan, © 2001 Yoga Gems. Contact: [email protected],

From Prosperity Paths Issue: January, 2003
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