Building The Dharma through Dasvandh
Building the Dharma through Dasvandh
Atma Kaur Khalsa

Espanola NM, U.S.A.

Self Supporting through our own Contribution - This concept needs to take a firm foothold in Sikh Dharma if we are to survive into the next millennium.

Building the Dharma is our duty and our blessing. Until now many of us may have allowed financial insecurities to influence our minds and impact our lives. It is time to wake up, become aware and informed, and take on the responsibility of this Dharma. It’s time to live and spread the teachings through its various tools: teaching classes, building local community, and shouldering the financial obligations.

The most outstanding tool we have is simple and effective - Dasvandh. But a tool only works when we pick it up and use it! It is now very easy to give to Dasvandh with an electronic fund transfer. We challenge first time givers to make this leap of faith and to enroll right now in this program. Please contact us in forty days with your experience of the benefits of making this commitment. See how God and Guru enhance your life. If you aren’t giving—dare to. If you are already giving to Dasvandh, thank you for supporting the legacy of Sikh Dharma. A further goal could be to achieve your full ten percent and/or to sign people onto the electronic transfer program and reap the multiple blessings.

I want to give but I forget. How can I make it easy to remember and convenient to do?

It is as easy as this:
Do it today. God bless you.
What is the secret of the 10th part?
Guru Gobind Singh, the Tenth Guru, told his disciples of the teachings,

that one-tenth of what they earned did not belong to them, but belonged to God.
When we give it back to Him, then all of the wealth and prosperity which is ours,

is revealed to us and is bestowed upon us. And yet, if we fail to give God
that 10th part which is rightfully His, that part is still due...
and so there may come some unexpected expenses -
it is a cosmic inevitability.


Sign-up Form for Dasvandh

Sikh Dharma Dasvandh
P.O. Box 351149
Los Angeles, CA 90035

( ) Yes! I accept your invitation to join Supporters of the Legacy - Sikh Dharma
Dasvandh. To ensure the support needed for your work, I agree to make a monthly
contribution of

( ) 10% ( ) $27 ( ) $54

( ) $108 ( ) $501 ( ) Other $ __________

I have enclosed my first month’s check made payable to Sikh Dharma Dasvandh.

I authorize my bank to transfer from my account the amount of the pledge
I have noted above. In the event that I wish to add, change or discontinue my pledge,
I will call or write Dasvandh. A record of each donation will be included
on my bank statement and will serve as my tax deductible receipt.





( ) I cannot become a Supporter of the Legacy at this time,

but please accept my gift of $__________which I have enclosed.

Thank you for your support. Please remember to send a check for your first monthly
donation. For questions, please contact Guru Roop Kaur (505)753-5881.

(Detach here and save this stub for your records)

I authorize my bank to transfer from my account a monthly pledge of ________.
In the event that I wish to discontinue my pledge, I will write or call the
Dasvandh Office. A record of each donation will be included on my regular
bank statement and will serve as my receipt.
From Prosperity Paths Issue: November, 1994
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