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Kundalini Yoga as Taught by Yogi Bhajan

MSS Dr. Guruchander Singh Khalsa

Posture: Thumbs touch the mound of the Mercury finger (pinky) - see picture A. The fingers are folded over the thumb of each hand making a fist - see picture B. Knuckles face each other with a one-inch gap in between. Forearms are parallel to the floor at the Heart Center - see picture C. Focus the eyes at the tip of the nose. And chant “Har” - 4 times out loud, 4 times in a whisper - continuously. Make sure the tongue flicks up to the upper palate. Continue for 11-31 minutes.

Benefits: This meditation contains the ego and focuses on your true identity to be a spiritual being with unlimited potential and self-worth. When we put the thumb (ego) at the mound of the Mercury finger, we transform our ego identity through the influence of Mercury, Sun, Saturn and Jupiter. This transformation includes mastering expansion (Jupiter), wisdom and patience (Saturn), endurance (Sun), and communication (Mercury), towards our spiritual identity. We use the mantra “Har” (Green God) to bring all new opportunities into our life. By creating mastery at the heart center we can transform our passion and heart energy into personal, financial success within our spiritual life. Remember - doing meditations creates the opportunity to change our attitudes towards our world. You may find yourself questioning why your present financial attitude is not what you want it to be. Do this meditation for at least 120 days so your subconscious can change itself into a larger, more expansive attitude about being prosperous (pro-spirit.)

My personal experience was that I kept doing the same work, i.e. the same amount of hours, but after 40 days my income doubled. People hired me because I had become a different person, with a new level of self-esteem.
From Prosperity Paths Issue: August, 2000
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