Prosperity Pals Program
Step FIVE: The next three Prosperity Laws are: The Law of Faith, the Law of Projection and the Law of Tithing.

The Law of Faith sounds simple –just have faith, but it is more than that. It is your unshakeable and undeterable courage to believe in your prosperity that allows the Universe to fill you with it. Faith requires you to submit your heart and your thinking patterns to serious scrutiny and make sure that your every thought and your every statement is a reflection of your innate belief that you can be prosperous in life.

The Law of Projection builds on the Law of Faith. Having once determined your right to be prosperous, and your faith in this innate right, your entire projection changes. You are then in a position to have clarity of vision and the goal of receiving, and you project for it.

The Law of Tithing is deceptively simple. Give and you shall receive. It says, give 10% to Infinity, to the Unknown, and it will return to you ten-fold. It is a commitment, and a worthwhile one. The Siri Singh Sahib (Yogi Bhajan) says, “Give to God what belongs to God. Don’t misappropriate what belongs to God for yourself. What belongs to God is called Dasvandh: one-tenth of your time, belongings, income, thoughts, and projection…one-tenth of every act.”

So, this month, we invite you to continue to explore these Prosperity Laws with your Prosperity PAL. Examine together the Law of Faith and help each other scrutinize the thinking patterns which form the platform of faith in your life. Clarify your vision and goals. Then, begin a tithing program together. Agree to commit to a 6-month or one-year trial and watch together how the Universe fills the vacuum. Let us know how you are doing!
Prosperity Pals Program TO RECAP

Step ONE:
Choose a Partner. Find a pal, choose a meditation, determine a monthly tithe, set up regular meetings, meditate daily together and chart how things are going.

Step TWO:
Adressing the Messaging. Listen to yourself, any negative statements you may use when talking about your financial situation, and change your messaging to be only positive, successful statements about yourself and your finances.

Embark on the Prosperity Laws voyage with the first law: The Law of Pure Potentiality. Learn to envision through focus, planning, and action.

Determine what financial independence means to you and create a map to it, the goal of the Law of Containment. Allow your mind to then attract the content, using the Law of Attraction. Last, the Law of Prayer - be clear in your intention. Serve your mission, God will provide the means.
From Prosperity Paths Issue: November, 2003
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