Sensory Communication
- Yogi Bhajan Class Lecture
August 22nd, 2000 - Espanola, NM
It is a body language which communicates to another person that you appreciate them or you do not like them. There are many standardizations of life which are never appreciated. When we were born our parents should have taught us all about the sensory system and body language.

To give a feeling of what I am talking about, clap your hands together for a minute using only the heels of your hands. When you clap in this way you feel nothing. You are clapping, yet you do not know what you are doing. It is not the sensory clap you give when you appreciate someone. Next, clap using the palms of your hands. Now you know you are showing

Exactly as you do not know what you are doing when you clap the heels of your hands, and you know what you are doing when you clap your palms; when you love, you are loving, and when you hate, you turn your love opposite to hate. Hating is not your way of life - you do not even understand it. You create a process but you are trying to turn your personality into hatred. Making fun of somebody and appreciating somebody are the same thing.

When you have sex with someone, you simply feel you are done. You have intimately communicated. Otherwise, you would never have sex. Through the process of your passion of love you want to be together, to touch, to feel, to be. After intercourse, you are relaxed. It is your acknowledgment of intimacy, nothing more. When you are young, your blood is hot-you need it. When you are old, you do not care. Our body language says we want to share. To share we have to have somebody else.

Children learn in front of a TV, a dead box, rather than from their parents. Some shows are so ugly, and full of nudity that they kill all the basic positivity of a human being. After 10 p.m. all TV shows are commotional. After watching them, you do not care if you are human or not. Watching TV has opened up our children to the possibility of drugs being available in society. What you think is possible, you will explore. If what you explore is detrimental to you, then you will explode.

All pain in our life is our own creation. It is not meant to be. All the pluses and minuses mean nothing. Shuniya, nothingness - is a state of consciousness where there is no plus, no minus, no right, no wrong, no big, no small. You will say you need clothes and shelter. Say instead: I have no needs - things will come. That is the stage of Shuniya-things come.

Teachings of Yogi Bhajan,
© 2001 Yogi Bhajan.
Used with kind permission from Yoga Gems (Meditations for the New Millennium) Synopses from the teachings of Yogi Bhajan, © 2001 Yoga Gems. Contact: [email protected]
From Prosperity Paths Issue: August, 2002
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