Taking the Sensory System on the Road
3HO Events
Ek Ong Kaar Kaur Khalsa

Lately, Yogi Bhajan has been talking a lot about the “sensory system” and the transition from the Age of Pieces to the Age of Aquarius. But what, exactly, is he talking about? The staff at the Events office took some time to really look at what Yogi Bhajan has been saying. We broke the subject down into five simple questions and, in the months of March and April, took these teachings on the road.

Where are we coming from?

“The ugliest thing that happened in this last century is that man started finding God outside himself.”
(Yogi Bhajan)

According to Yogi Bhajan, the Age of Pisces was the ugliest age where people found their identity rooted in what was around them such as status, wealth, power. In that way, rather than through the presence of God within, people survived through “the insanity of the ego.”

What is the sensory system?

“A new system where the individual will find himself or herself complete.”
(Yogi Bhajan)

It is a person’s own sensitivity, intuition, and subtlety working in a cohesive and deep level that will allow a person to experience himself or herself as complete, without needing anything external. In that sensory experience, people will be calm, contained, simple and straight and will be able to heal others just with their presence.

How can we develop this system?

“(Through) prayer, deep cleansing, self-identity and, to be very honest with you, self control.”
(Yogi Bhajan)

Although the sensory system will be automatically given to each person, to use it properly people need a self-discipline that will lead them to the experience of their own essential purity. In that discipline, we will be called on to choose the positive in every situation, no matter how difficult or challenging the polarities may be.

What are the consequences of not developing this system?

“In another 11 years, we will find people getting empty, more perturbed, not able to bear enough, not having much tolerance, and very argumentative.”
(Yogi Bhajan)

People who do not consciously develop this system will become very empty because, in the Age of Aquarius, surviving through manipulation will no longer work. The undeveloped sensory system will just lead to an increased sensitivity that can spark more disagreements and disharmony within a person’s life.

What are the benefits of developing the sensory system?

“You will have a meditative mind to wait and see what comes to you.”
(Yogi Bhajan)

Yogi Bhajan says we have a working God, Karta Purkh, which lives and breathes in us. Through that working God, our mind will direct us to work in the right channels and we will be in the right place at the right time to deliver what our souls have come here to do. Through this, people will experience true love, joy and happiness.

Thanks so much to the Austin, the Oakland, the San Francisco, and the San Diego communities for allowing us to come present the “Sensory Workshop” to your teachers and students. It was a blast to get to share the most recent teachings of Yogi Bhajan with our grass-roots communities interactively. Special thanks to Mehtab Singh, Sat Santokh Singh, Prabu Nam Kaur, Avtar Kaur, Dhyan Kaur, and Sada Anand Kaur for all you did to make our stay comfortable and wonderful.

We invite everyone to come to New Mexico this summer and take advantage of the wonderful opportunities to work deeply on your spiritual practice and develop your own sensory system. Now is the time and we are here to serve you. Contact us if you would like more information about our courses.

Eighth Annual Kundalini Yoga Teacher’s Conference: June 14-15
Summer Solstice June 15-23
Women’s Camp June 24-June 30 and June 30-July 7
Come for one or both weeks!
Master’s Touch Level 1 July 11-July 28
Master’s Touch Level 2 July 30-August 4

Would you like the “Sensory Workshop” to come to your sangat?
Call Ek Ong Kaar Kaur at (505) 753-9438 for possibilities and information.
From Prosperity Paths Issue: May, 2001
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