As You Tithe So You Prosper
As You Tithe So You Prosper
Lesson One: What is Tithe?

L. E. Meyer

The tithe (Dasvandh) is a true method of giving that was established centuries ago and has been practiced since by spiritual - minded people. Tithing has not been improved upon as a method of giving, nor can it be except by increasing the proportion given or by giving all. Today, as in days past, we have freedom in giving. We can give or not as we choose. We can fulfill the law and recap the reward, or we can hold on to more than we actually need and take the consequences. Giving is a part of spiritual worship. This fact has been recognized through the ages. Now more than ever before, there is required the giving of oneself, with all that one is or has, for understanding has increased.

Right giving loosens the burdens of our personal lives, unifies us with the universal, and opens within and without an inflow and outflow of God’s bounty. The Hebrews were required to give a tenth in kind of all the produce of the land. To quicken the law of prosperity and keep it working, we must return at least a tenth of our income, and we must not wait to give our tithe until we have satisfied all personal desires and paid our debts.

The point is this: one who gives sparingly will also reap sparingly, and one who gives bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must do as he has made up his mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. We must learn to give gladly and freely, with faith, joy, and love. To realize our all-sufficiency in all things, we must move in accord with the law of our being.

The basis of tithing is recognition of God’s ownership and every person’s stewardship. Understanding this truth and acting upon it brings abundant reward. The chief reward is increased spirituality, manifesting itself in the blessings of heart, soul, mind, and strength that come through conscious unity with God.

In tithing we direct our income into enduring investments that are of the utmost value both materially and spiritually. Tithing is based upon the innate spirit of equity that prompts us to be as fair with God as we are with all people. We must be in harmony with God before we can be in harmony with ourselves or others.

Tithing concerns one of the inmost mysteries of life, the process by which life is given expression, sustained, and unfolded; by which life is restored when encroached upon by disease; and by which it is uplifted to overcome sickness and death. This can be explained by thinking of tithing as a matter of rhythm and proportion in a 9-to-1 ratio. Throughout all nature, harmony is expressed. The stars move in measured cadence.
Each kind of bird has a peculiar wing beat. Every note of music, every tone of voice has a definite rhythm. The pansy always has five petals; the wax cell of the honeycomb does not vary. Snowflakes, in their infinite variety, maintain their six-point pattern. The law of prosperity is also governed by order and harmony. By putting ourselves in harmony with the law of prosperity, we insure our income and establish a definite contact with divine substance and supply. Tithing is insurance of income.

When we perform a task, we may establish harmony by using the first tenth of the allotted time in prayer and meditation. The still, small voice will reveal the easiest, most harmonious, and most efficient procedure for accomplishing the task. We shall find that what formerly required more than the time we had to give can now be accomplished in less than the nine-tenths of the time remaining after tithing. Tithing works in harmony with our in-dwelling life. It operates without interference to renew the body, to call forth new and increased powers, and to add spiritual illumination. We make things at least ten times easier when we honor God with our tithe.

Tithing is a simple way to begin to grow in the grace of giving. Those who practice tithing will have more to give than they thought possible. Tithing shows a willingness to work with the law of prosperity and to return to the Giver at least a part of that which was given to us. Tithing creates a vacuum that, according to the inevitable law of action and reaction, must be instantly filled again to overflowing. In tithing we substitute faith in God’s supply for fear that we shall come to want. In tithing we loosen the hold of fear and, with it, many things that have bound us. We find a freer soul, mind, and body; a joyous and abounding health. Regular and systematic tithing calls consistent attention to God as the source of our supply and the giver of all our good. Tithing clears away that which is apt to obstruct the free flow of God’s greater blessings. Through tithing, we make an investment, with God’s unlimited bounty as security. Tithing is a sort of new financial birth and a law of financial

Faithful tithers are honest and own their own property; it does not own them. Tithing is a system of developing generosity untouched by vanity. Tithing is a reliable guarantee against the ‘greeds.’ It is an income tax, divinely assessed and paid as a freewill love offering. Tithing builds up individual acquaintance with God. It brings comradeship with the divine, which fosters financial faith and a feeling of security. True tithing is a prayer of thanksgiving and a means of acknowledging God’s good. It is our part in the fulfillment of the law of prosperity. In tithing we sow seeds of prosperity, and the harvest is certain.

As You Tithe So You Prosper - Lesson Two in next Prosperity Paths.
From Prosperity Paths Issue: January, 1996
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