Beams of Golden Light - KYC 2004
After Summer Solstice participants left the sacred land of Ram Das Puri, 60 children, teens and adults came together to create a three week experience called Khalsa Youth Camp. Years ago the Siri Singh Sahib shared his vision of our future, explaining how it takes a sangat to raise our children. Children are the center of our culture. Community life revolves around the tender needs of the children, and parents design and build a world where the children may walk tall with confidence in their true identities. Khalsa Youth Camp supports the habits that give our children the identity and confidence to soar with their strengths while dealing with life's challenges. Our new and experienced staff came with a devotion and desire to reach and teach all of our youth, ages 3 to 12, beginning each morning with a gentle reminder to "rise and shine," take a cold rinse and prepare for yoga and meditation. Our guides, junior guides and junior guides in training all worked as a team to support the campers in their daily activities that tested the body and mind and uplifted the spirit. Our children learned that true prosperity is the experience of merging with the oneness in us all. Daily Gurdwara, marching, seva, and a variety of activities made this summer's camp what many children and staff said was "the best ever!"

A Few Highlights of the camp included: martial arts taught by our guest teachers Guru Joda Singh and Guru Hans Kaur, Numerology, Being a Teacher in 3HO, 6 mile Hike, Time Capsule, Experiencing the 5 Elements, Sacred Sand Sculptures, 4th of July Pinata Party, Sunday Gurdwaras, Climbing Wall, Family Carnival and chanting for the Siri Singh Sahib, Bibi Ji and guests at the Ranch.

All campers were encouraged to maintain a daily sadhana and afternoon meditation when they returned home. To see more highlights of the shining children and staff who attended this summer's Khalsa Youth Camp, check out:
From Prosperity Paths Issue: July, 2004
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