Gifts For The Siri Singh Sahib
Gifts for the Siri Singh Sahib
Mahan Kirn Kaur Khalsa
Espanola NM, U.S.A.

Out of heartfelt love and gratitude for all he has given them, many people want to give the Siri Singh Sahib a gift, and they ask us to suggest something appropriate. Any thing given from the heart is appropriate! However, we can tell you some of the things we’ve observed in his environment that could be supplemented or upgraded.

For instance, in the summer when the Siri Singh Sahib teaches the morning P. T. classes he sits on a beautiful marble bench. A small marble table for his tray would be lovely next to it. In the afternoons when the sun has changed he sits under the cherry trees and teaches the teenagers. Ideally there would be a marble chair for him at that spot. Marble can be left outside during all types of weather.

Many guests are served regularly inside the ranch house and in the pool area. VIP’s of all kinds, including you and me, the children, individuals and groups of political guests, Indian guests, professional and official guests. There is an almost constant stream of people having audience with the Siri Singh Sahib. With traditional Sikh hospitality, guests are fed! There is always a need for dinnerware, silverware, and glassware sets. The sets need to be able to serve 24 guests. If you would be interested in donating one or several place settings that would match some existing dinnerware, please call and inquire about that.

Currently inside the dome and ranch house there isn’t a CD system. Someday the entire ranch could use a sound system throughout the grounds so kirtan can be heard by all who come. Also, you probably know the Siri Singh Sahib collects clocks and loves art work that can go in the Archives for our future Sikh Dharma museum.

Please feel free to call Guru Simran Kaur for further information. She is the custodian and caretaker of the Ranch and has lived and worked faithfully taking care of the ranch and the dome for many years. If you want to find out what may be specifically needed, please call her. (Different things may be useful at different times). She can be reached at (505) 753-5809.
From Prosperity Paths Issue: November, 1994
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