By Conquering Your Mind, You Can Conquer The World
By Conquering Your Mind, You Can Conquer The World
Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan

In 30 years, whether you like it or not, understand it or not, hate it or love it, there is no place on this planet like what you have created. You have created a sovereign, spiritual Khalsa nation. This Dharma is not personal. It's not a "Gurudom." It is not anybody's property; it is not anybody's affair. It is a combination of people who will work for the future. It's the strength of the people who'll conquer their own mind. It shall belong to those who'll work selflessly for the beauty of tomorrow and their generations.

It is now very clear to me. It is not who sits in the chair in which I sit as Siri Singh Sahib. It is not who follows the teachings of Sikh Dharma. That will not matter. It's not who's a perfect Sikh with absolute discipline and flawless attitude of life, discipline, and grace - not at all. The world shall expect from you commitment, character, and instant gratification that you can give them the spirit. It's easy to wear spiritual clothes. It's easy to pretend and talk spiritually. It is easy to know scriptures. It is easy even to speak authentically. But it is not easy to live to the Guru's teaching. It is not.

This Dharma has Siri Guru Granth for me, for you, and for everybody. And it is not who will know Sikh Dharma, and can talk fluently and fabulously and effectively. If your words do not penetrate to the heart, you are worse than the dog which died 30 years ago. The Dharma has to expand, not by miracles, but because that is the destiny of this Dharma. And you all have to do it as a miracle work, because you belong to Guru Ram Das, the Lord of Miracles.

You are whoever you are, and you are born here with a duty to leave the pain and enjoy the pleasure of raising others to the highest consciousness.

Nanak says:
Dukh parhar sukh ghar lai jaa-eh.
"Singing the praises of God and keeping love for Him in your heart, you will then obtain joy in your mind and throw away your pain."

Let me give you the ultimate meaning of being corrupt: when you are not kind, compassionate and caring, you are corrupt. You are corrupted by the maya, you are corrupted by your selfishness, you are corrupted by your own arrogance, you are corrupted by your own greed. You are corrupted by lust, anger, whatever you want to call it.

Someone said, "Tell me, what is a Khalsa?" I said, "When the night is very stormy and there's no star in the sky to be seen and guiding, and neither can the moon show his face, and clouds are so dark that one cannot see from left hand to right hand; if the captain of the ship sees the light of the lighthouse, that is the Khalsa. It's the miracle which comes from one heart to another heart, to watch danger and carry through it, with an absolutely calm, cool nature.

In my consciousness, I made a statement to myself. I have come in this country by the will of God and with the guidance of the Guru. I'll not build here anything personal. And that's my will, that's my wish. When I depart, I depart exactly the way I was born. That has been built for the future generations to relate to, and that we always will do. And some, in those generations, have to come out with self confidence by conquering the mind, by winning themselves to carry that weight, at least ten times better than me. At least.

You are not my hope, you are not my tomorrow, you are not my virtues. You are the only virtue and hope of tomorrow for the whole world. Each one of you. Those who sit from Anchorage all the way to Miami, and Los Angeles all the way to the tip-top state, which nobody goes to except for maple leaves, Maine, are fixed guide stations, to work on themselves and grow, and then go and teach the world how to be graceful.

There are two things to which this world has to listen: to be grateful and graceful. Those who do not practice are spiritually criminal. They'll come and they'll go without anybody knowing and realizing what they came for and what they left for. Let us sincerely sit down, talk to our heart and head, speak with our neutral mind, and see what is our path. And let us walk on that path, totally conquering our mind, so that the world can trust us, believe us, and be with us.

When the pages of life are written on paper with Gurbani by the Guru's voice, you, mighty Khalsa, go and bow. The Siri Guru Granth Sahib is not paper; it's not a book. It's not all those ramalas. It is bound in the spirit, the language and bani of those who conquered their mind first, and enriched themselves enough to become Siri Guru Granth.

What can you do for me? Only one thing. That we want a good tomorrow and we want the best tomorrow, and you take away everybody's sorrow, including yours. Then I can have a feeling, I can have a true feeling that you are a true Sikh of the Guru, and your mind is conquered by you.

I know what else I have to do. I have to complete a journey, from birth to death. I have to cover this journey, this distance, so you can have your destiny. I have nothing personal in it. I have come, I'll be gone. But in this planet, there shall be the order of the Khalsa, pure, with impact, with grace, with power, with values, with virtues. And some will love it. And it will be through their grace, that many will be healed, inspired, and start living again. And through their generation and touch and ecstasy, many, many will be blessed with happiness.

You are virtuous. You are gracious. And without the hand of the Guru, you would not have continued this journey. God is watching you, especially because your hopes, your imaginations, your fantasies are His imagination, His hope, and His feelings. He's very commotional about you.

You must learn the words of Nanak:
Man jeetai jag jeet.
"By conquering your mind, you can conquer the world."

I watch every day whosoever talks to me. I really watch. The only thing I watch is how many times this person has referred to God. Or how many times he has referred to "I, my, me." And how many times in his talk he has judged others, and not himself, or herself.

Blessed are those hearts who understand they came on this earth to beat the beat of God, under the guidance of the Guru. That's the easiest way to master your mind. If you cannot see God in all, you cannot see God at all. We'll like to work on that avenue, to conquer our mind, to open our intuitive eye, so we can see all is one and one is all. That is the meaning of
Ek Ong Kar. I hope we'll continue growing, glowing, and shall grace this earth under the will of Almighty God, our Originator, our Creator, and our Excellence.

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From Prosperity Paths Issue: December, 1998
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